Big Car Crash (multiple cars and trucks at the intersection) 3d model
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Big Car Crash (multiple cars and trucks at the intersection)

Big Car Crash (multiple cars and trucks at the intersection)

by 3DWarehouse
Last crawled date: 1 year, 10 months ago
Oh man, you're not gonna like this: a speeding sedan turns right, hitting an SUV which hits a semi-truck. A moving van and four other vehicles stop when a bank truck hits the gray sedan. Six other vehicles stop when the gray hatchback turns right, hitting a satellite truck. Then, a few sheriff vehicles or police interceptors block the intersection, slowing down traffic and making commute time longer. I forgot to mention the red truck, trailer a.k.a RV, and minivan, I know. Use it as necessary. And at least rate it. #bank #block #car #Crash #hit #interceptor #minivan #moving #police #right #RV #sattelite #sedan #semi #sheriff #speeding #stop #trailer #truck #turn #van #vehicle
