Big Car Crash 2 3d model
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Big Car Crash 2

Big Car Crash 2

by 3DWarehouse
Last crawled date: 2 years, 3 months ago
This is badder and bigger than my other one, it contains the actual roadway, and maybe the same cars from my other one. Added vehicles: later model police cars, a teal sports car that started this scene, and the traffic lights. Here's the story behind the scene: The sports car comes in from eastbound and hits the white sedan, which a small bus hits. Suprisingly, they do not wreck a police car in the corner. Then two of them come in from westbound, blocking the intersection. The bank truck bypasses, but hits a big bus, then a brown SUV, hitting the truck as well. A blue SUV hits the brown one, then the big rig hits. A white SUV tries to turn but accidentally hits the bank truck and then a moving van hits the car, then another car hits. A farm truck hits the small bus, then the blue minivan hits, then a sedan hits the sports car, etc. Four other cops come from eastbound and take their places at the intersection. Five other vehicles rear-end on one another and the small bus as well. Last but not least the white hatchback and the sattelite truck hit two of the cops blocking the intersection. Use as necessary, or don't forget to rate.
