10x scale Maker Faire robot by GeneCash 3d model
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10x scale Maker Faire robot by GeneCash

10x scale Maker Faire robot by GeneCash

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 5 months ago
I wanted a very large Maker Faire robot to carry to the next Orlando Maker Faire as a conversation piece.
It's a foot tall and about 10-1/2" wide. This is about the size of my Barnes & Noble plushie.
It took just short of 2 days to print on my Prusa MK3 and used most of a spool.
Print it in 5% fill, except for the head & arms, which can be hollow with 0% fill. See "print-comments.html" for details. Make sure to uncheck "Don't support bridges" in Slic3r for the arms, otherwise the part under the shoulder gets ugly. Except for the arms, it didn't need support.
I printed it in PLA and glued it together with methylene chloride.
