SIlver Shields Military Headquarters 3d model
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SIlver Shields Military Headquarters

SIlver Shields Military Headquarters

by 3DWarehouse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 4 months ago
UThe SIlver Shields military headquarters located in the city of Kyper 3, the capitol city of Mantuon, the homeworld of the Silver Shields. It is made up of 95 stories. The top 5 made up of living quarters for the Grand Master of Silver Shields (GM SIr. Fairix Stone), as well as all 5 Field Marshalls (FM Sir. James Everston, FM Sir. Robert Hill, FM SIr. Xing Lii, FM Sir. Frank Kellerson and FM SIr. Jon Sung Lii). All first order military planning takes place inside the building, computed by massive super computers which is then sent to field commanders. Due to the incredibly classified information inside the building security includes 40 heavily armoured elite infantry inside the building, along with a quick reaction force made up of a vehicle taskforce along with around two hundred infantry. As well as this the bottom 90 floors can be completely sealed off and filled with Nover-7 Gas in order to kill all life inside, should the building be breached. #95 #Building #Commander #Computer #Field #Field_Marshall #FIve #Force #Gas #Grand #Grand_Master #Headquarters #Marshall #Master #Military #Military_Headquarters #Ninety #Ninety_Five #Nover6 #Planning #Quick #Quick_Reaction_Force #Reacton #Shields #Silver #Silver_Shields #Super #Super_Computer #Williham
