Open Source Hydroponic with smart aquarium 3d model
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Open Source Hydroponic with smart aquarium

Open Source Hydroponic with smart aquarium

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 4 years, 2 months ago
This project was living for long time in my head, then I made some part of it, and tested it for whole summer.
It consists of aquarium where I monitor temperature,water level, control lights, and pumps, then there are 2 vertical gardens, one which you can see in photos is hydroponics, second is filled with soil and I can controll irrigation by small pump.
Vertical tower is built from 50mm PVC tubes used for house waste. I printed ends, which I secured and sealed by silicone, then mounted it to 2 wooden boards. There are holes of 35mm drilled with big crown drill, where baskets fits. I originally ordered baskets for hydropony from aliexpress, problem was that as the tube is round, there was so much space between tube and basket. I had to design my most complicated 3D model so far, the basket itself. there are 2 files, one is with generated tree supports which works nice with this type of object.
As grow material I used small cubes of mineral wool found at IKEA for few euros for pack.
I pump water to the most top tube, and by cascades it flows with nutrients from aquarium produced by fish, and coming back down to aquarium. At the end of this outlet hose there is diffuser for preventing swirling of water in bottom of aquarium.
There is small motor pump from aliexpress which pumps the water, second motor irrigates second tower with soil.
For light I use red and blue grow strip, brightness is controlled by n-mosfet transistor, the same applies for both motors.
There is also white light for fish.
For temperature reading there is simple DS18b12 sensor with "waterproof" housing.
Water level is measured with simple floater like this
There is box for housing all electronics, it is based on wemos d1 mini.
You can find my other project Mini Fish Feeder which you can connect to this controller.
I use automation for running hydroponic pump every half hour for 3 minutes, this cycle the water in tubes and bring new nutrients.
As firmware I use ESPhome, for HomeAssistant, here is my code:
name: smart_aquarium
platform: ESP8266
board: d1_mini
priority: 600
- servo.write:
id: servo1
level: '-10%'
- delay: 1s
- servo.detach: servo1

ssid: "Wifi"
password: "pass"
# static_ip:
# gateway:
# subnet:
# dns1:

# Enable logging
# level: debug

# Enable Home Assistant API
password: 'pass'
# services:
# - service: control_servo
# variables:
# level: float
# then:
# - servo.write:
# id: servo1
# level: !lambda 'return level / 100.0;'
# - sensor.template.publish:
# id: aktualnyUhol
# state: !lambda 'return level;'
# - delay: 3s
# - servo.detach: servo1

password: 'pass'

sda: D2
scl: D4
scan: True
frequency: 800kHz

#- address: 0x48

- platform: restart
name: "Smart aquarium restart"

- platform: template
id: cerpadloRajcinySwitch
name: "Pump second tower"
icon: "mdi:engine-outline"
- switch.template.publish:
id: cerpadloRajcinySwitch
state: ON
- output.turn_on: pwm_obeh_rajciny
- output.set_level:
id: pwm_obeh_rajciny
level: 90%
- delay: 15s
- output.turn_off: pwm_obeh_rajciny
- switch.template.publish:
id: cerpadloRajcinySwitch
state: OFF
- output.turn_off: pwm_obeh_rajciny
- switch.template.publish:
id: cerpadloRajcinySwitch
state: OFF

- platform: template
id: krmenieServoSwitch
name: "Feed fish"
icon: "mdi:fish"
- switch.template.publish:
id: krmenieServoSwitch
state: ON
- servo.write:
id: servo1
level: '-60%'
- delay: 1s
- servo.write:
id: servo1
level: '-10%'
- delay: 1s
- servo.detach: servo1
- switch.template.publish:
id: krmenieServoSwitch
state: OFF
- servo.write:
id: servo1
level: '-10%'
- delay: 1s
- servo.detach: servo1
- switch.template.publish:
id: krmenieServoSwitch
state: OFF

- platform: template
name: "Smart aquarium uptime"
lambda: |-
uint32_t dur = id(uptime_s).state;
int dys = 0;
int hrs = 0;
int mnts = 0;
if (dur > 86399) {
dys = trunc(dur / 86400);
dur = dur - (dys * 86400);
if (dur > 3599) {
hrs = trunc(dur / 3600);
dur = dur - (hrs * 3600);
if (dur > 59) {
mnts = trunc(dur / 60);
dur = dur - (mnts * 60);
char buffer[17];
sprintf(buffer, "%ud %02uh %02um %02us", dys, hrs, mnts, dur);
return {buffer};
icon: mdi:clock-start
update_interval: 30s

- platform: uptime
id: uptime_s
update_interval: 30s

- platform: wifi_signal
name: "Smart aquarium WiFi Signal"
update_interval: 60s

- platform: dallas
address: 0x6C0302977937FA28
name: "Water temperature aquarium"

- pin: D3
update_interval: 30s

- platform: gpio
number: D7
inverted: no
name: "Low water level aquarium"
- delayed_on: 200ms
- delayed_off: 200ms
device_class: moisture

- platform: esp8266_pwm
pin: D0
frequency: 1000 Hz
id: pwm_obeh_hydroponia

- platform: esp8266_pwm
pin: D8
frequency: 1000 Hz
id: pwm_svetla_hydroponia

- platform: esp8266_pwm
pin: D5
frequency: 1000 Hz
id: pwm_svetla_akvarium

- platform: esp8266_pwm
pin: D6
frequency: 1000 Hz
id: pwm_obeh_rajciny

- platform: esp8266_pwm
id: pwm_servo_krmenie
pin: D1
frequency: 50 Hz

- id: servo1
output: pwm_servo_krmenie

- platform: monochromatic
output: pwm_svetla_hydroponia
name: "Lights hydropony"

- platform: monochromatic
output: pwm_svetla_akvarium
name: "Lights aquarium"

- platform: speed
output: pwm_obeh_hydroponia
name: "Pump hydropony"
low: 0.25
medium: 0.35
high: 0.35
