Mascara 3d model
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by Sketchfab
Last crawled date: 9 months, 3 weeks ago
Máscara de estilo Luba pueblo de la República Democrática del Congo, teóricamente pertenecería a la hermandad Kiphuewe. Basaban este estilo de rayas, casi siempre talladas, además de pintadas, en las caras de los babuinos, las tayas, que no siempre se ven, eran necesarias pues bailadas por la noche era más importante la sombra de la incisión que el propio cromatismo
It is a Luba-style town from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, theoretically it would belong to the Kiphuewe brotherhood. They based this style of stripes, almost always carved, as well as painted, on the faces of the baboons, the tayas, which are not always seen, were necessary because when danced at night the shadow of the incision was more important than the chromaticism itself. - Mascara - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by 3studio59
