Small 3d models
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81 small 3d models found

Download or buy, then render or print from the shops or marketplaces. 3D Models below are suitable not only for printing but also for any computer graphics like CG, VFX, Animation, or even CAD. You can print these 3d models on your favorite 3d printer or render them with your preferred render engine. Please note that the 3D model database is only a Search Engine. You should visit the original websites. Most of the models can be easily imported and rendered with Autodesk 3ds Max, Maya, Blender, C4D, and Sketchup. Check for online 3d model conversions tools for your file format.
Small Hammer

Small Hammer

...etchfab small low-poly hammer with detailed normal map. - small hammer - buy royalty free 3d model by samize (@samize) [e043789]
Oversikt Small

Oversikt Small

...oversikt small sketchfab oversikt small - buy royalty free 3d model by uav3d
Small table

Small table

...small table sketchfab small table - buy royalty free 3d model by hq3dmod (@aivisastics)
Small Brush

Small Brush

...rush which can be fully functional once the bristles are inserted. - small brush - buy royalty free 3d model by sd (@satishdesai)
Small chopping board

Small chopping board

...small chopping board sketchfab small chopping board - small chopping board - buy royalty free 3d model by bartos357
Kazakh Small Axe

Kazakh Small Axe

...kazakh small axe sketchfab traditional small kazakh axe. - kazakh small axe - buy royalty free 3d model by bilgebitig
Small Table Low

Small Table Low

...small table low sketchfab small table low - buy royalty free 3d model by rubaqewar
Small Headstone 2

Small Headstone 2

...small headstone 2 sketchfab small headstone 2 - buy royalty free 3d model by hardform3d
Small Military Crate

Small Military Crate

...ilitary crate sketchfab a metallic military storage crate. - small military crate - buy royalty free 3d model by thegamecreators
Small Sofa

Small Sofa

... classic technique. textured in substance painter. - small sofa - buy royalty free 3d model by not_lonely (@not_lonely) [4fe02ac]
Gas Bottle Small

Gas Bottle Small

...ottle small sketchfab very low poly game model. - gas bottle small - buy royalty free 3d model by dexsoft games (@dexsoft-games)
Small Electricity Power House

Small Electricity Power House

...ctricity equipment for the city. - small electricity power house - buy royalty free 3d model by abandoned scans (@realmranderson)
Venice - Bridge Small

Venice - Bridge Small

...etchfab very low poly model for your games - venice - bridge small - buy royalty free 3d model by dexsoft games (@dexsoft-games)
Small Derelict Building

Small Derelict Building exterior only, no interior. - small derelict building - buy royalty free 3d model by danielmikulik (@danielmikulik) [fc47a50]
Small Door at the back of the church

Small Door at the back of the church

...or at the back of the church sketchfab small door at the back of the church - buy royalty free 3d model by nicolas (
simple grass small

simple grass small and materials. it is ready to use, just put it into your scene. - simple grass small - buy royalty free 3d model by evermotion
simple grass small

simple grass small and materials. it is ready to use, just put it into your scene. - simple grass small - buy royalty free 3d model by evermotion
simple grass small

simple grass small and materials. it is ready to use, just put it into your scene. - simple grass small - buy royalty free 3d model by evermotion
simple grass small

simple grass small and materials. it is ready to use, just put it into your scene. - simple grass small - buy royalty free 3d model by evermotion
simple grass small

simple grass small and materials. it is ready to use, just put it into your scene. - simple grass small - buy royalty free 3d model by evermotion
Small Tool Kit

Small Tool Kit

...tage randomly. buy in the unityasset store: -link removed-#!/content/18916 buy in the turbosqid: -link removed- - small tool kit
Beautiful Small Brick House

Beautiful Small Brick House

...y used for storage or electricity. - beautiful small brick house - buy royalty free 3d model by abandoned scans (@realmranderson)
Ottoman - Small Settee Complete Item

Ottoman - Small Settee Complete Item

...- small settee complete item sketchfab ottoman - small settee complete item - buy royalty free 3d model by furniture (@hung.t33)
Ottoman - Small Settee Complete Item

Ottoman - Small Settee Complete Item

...- small settee complete item sketchfab ottoman - small settee complete item - buy royalty free 3d model by furniture (@hung.t33)
Small-leaved Lime 1 (Tilia cordata)

Small-leaved Lime 1 (Tilia cordata)

...rdata) sketchfab small-leaved lime 1 (tilia cordata) - small-leaved lime 1 (tilia cordata) - buy royalty free 3d model by cgaxis
Small Victorian Brick House

Small Victorian Brick House live in but fancier, it can be used for a town scene etc. - small victorian brick house - buy royalty free 3d model by viking1
Small Table – Art Deco 1930

Small Table – Art Deco 1930

...size: h-68/50 x w-53/34 x d-53/34 cm code: sk-004 / sk-005 - small table – art deco 1930 - buy royalty free 3d model by artium3d
Scanned low poly small skull LOD

Scanned low poly small skull LOD

... lod1 911v. 1425p. lod2 481v. 920p. - scanned low poly small skull lod - buy royalty free 3d model by mantas talmantas (@mantast)
Small Armchair Nicole from Dom Edizioni

Small Armchair Nicole from Dom Edizioni

...bric size: h-68 x w-60 x d-70 cm code: kr-025 - small armchair nicole from dom edizioni - buy royalty free 3d model by artium3d
Small Skull nr 2 (high poly)

Small Skull nr 2 (high poly)

...hat is a same skull down to 1.2k verts) - small skull nr 2 (high poly) - buy royalty free 3d model by mantas talmantas (@mantast)
Small Chilene Statue - 3D SCAN

Small Chilene Statue - 3D SCAN

...not print it and sell without creators authorization. - small chilene statue - 3d scan - buy royalty free 3d model by 3dscanvault
Game Read Small Porcelain Vase low-poly

Game Read Small Porcelain Vase low-poly png textures and fbx / obj / dae / 3ds meshes - game read small porcelain vase low-poly - buy royalty free 3d model by funfant
Small side tables

Small side tables

...s, 520 faces (880 triangles). - small side tables - buy royalty free 3d model by francescomilanese (@francescomilanese) [17c0807]
Small Side Table 4

Small Side Table 4

...vertices, 1950 faces (4124 triangles). - small side table 4 - buy royalty free 3d model by francescomilanese (@francescomilanese)
Prism P7 - Stand/Base (Split for small printers)

Prism P7 - Stand/Base (Split for small printers)

...: trinity crafts inc. - prism p7 - stand/base (split for small printers) - buy royalty free 3d model by hanco rabie (@hancorabie)
Wooden Coffee Table

Wooden Coffee Table

...wooden coffee table sketchfab a small wooden coffee table slightly worn through years of heavy...
Axe Pack

Axe Pack

...axe pack sketchfab small collection of axes. - axe pack - buy royalty...
Wood table

Wood table

...wood table sketchfab simple small table for any environment. - wood table - buy...
Plant pack

Plant pack

...plant pack sketchfab a small collection of plants, enjoy! - plant pack - buy...
The Briefcase

The Briefcase

...the briefcase sketchfab small prop made in blender - the briefcase -...
Decorative Statue

Decorative Statue

...decorative statue sketchfab small decorative statue - decorative statue - buy royalty free...
Royal Crown

Royal Crown

...royal crown sketchfab this crown is a part of small loot package. this model was made in bleder3d. -...
Trick or Treat!

Trick or Treat!

...happy halloween, boys & girls! =)) i’ve made a small set of 4 pumpkins: a big one, the same...
Canvas 6 - Untitled #table

Canvas 6 - Untitled #table

...canvas 6 - untitled #table sketchfab small oil painting on canvas and it shows a table...
PBR Rock 5 Photorealistic

PBR Rock 5 Photorealistic

...photorealistic sketchfab high poly pbr 3d scan of a small rock. - pbr rock 5 photorealistic - buy royalty...
Fantasy House

Fantasy House

...fantasy house sketchfab i heard small elves live here. carefull not to step on them!...


...appliance sketchfab high detailed model of small electrionic appliances with all textures, shaders and materials. it...


...appliance sketchfab high detailed model of small electrionic appliances with all textures, shaders and materials. it...


...appliance sketchfab high detailed model of small electrionic appliances with all textures, shaders and materials. it...
PBR Log 1 Photorealistic

PBR Log 1 Photorealistic

...1 photorealistic sketchfab high poly 3d scan of a small log taken from my woodshed. - pbr log 1...
Tranquil Painting

Tranquil Painting

...collapsed into a nice neat frame, created for a small project. - tranquil painting - buy royalty free 3d...
Skull nr 2

Skull nr 2

...skull nr 2 sketchfab small skull, around 10cm in length. retopo to 1240 verts...
Camera drone

Camera drone drone sketchfab camera drone - a small vechicle used for scouting or spying. get to know...
Wood Barrel

Wood Barrel

...painted texture style. it fit to mobile game or small game. texture size 256x256 pixel - wood barrel -...
Tree with Woodpecker holes

Tree with Woodpecker holes

...tree with woodpecker holes sketchfab small section of trunk with a row of holes left...
Stones Rock Pack

Stones Rock Pack

...archvis. cubic and riverstones. mossy and clean. big and small will help create photorealistic lanscapes and other. - stones...
Luxury design coffee table

Luxury design coffee table

...table sketchfab marble top big coffee table; glass top small coffee table; porcelain vase with pink flower inside -...
80's Arcade cabinet

80's Arcade cabinet

...80's arcade cabinet sketchfab small thing i’m doing, teaser for a bigger project. may...
Sheep Skull

Sheep Skull

...skull. scanned on location - that is in a small meadow in a forest. most likely its a sheep...
Sign Thing

Sign Thing

...sign things that tend to appear in front of small buisnesses in rural areas. it’s made from a quick...
Pirate Altar

Pirate Altar

...for a new client i like to create one small prop from start to finish when it makes sense...
Engine-Ready Cardboard Box

Engine-Ready Cardboard Box

...engine-ready cardboard box sketchfab a small generic cardboard box. animated textured lowpoly ue4 naming conform...
Coffee Shop Exterior

Coffee Shop Exterior

...doors 6 lamps menu outside seating 8 curtains 6 small lamps 2 small table2 6 tables 3 sun umbrellas...
Star Valor :  C3 Frigate

Star Valor : C3 Frigate

...and 4 gunners, the c3 frigate can hunt many small threat at once. weapons : 4 half-guided plasma blaster...
Star Valor : MinerZ : Korvette C2

Star Valor : MinerZ : Korvette C2 valor : minerz : korvette c2 sketchfab small corvette ship designed for combat purpose 4x blaster 1x...
Secretaire of Louis XVI – France, 18. century

Secretaire of Louis XVI – France, 18. century

...secretaire of louis xvi – france, 18. century sketchfab small lady secretaire of louis xvi – france, 18. century...
Cimetery wall - Houat Island - France

Cimetery wall - Houat Island - France made in the cimetery wall. houat is a small island, 5km long, and ocean is everywhere you look....
Modern Dining Table

Modern Dining Table

...feet underneath making it very functional and practical for small places, studios. - modern dining table - buy royalty...
Hierve el Agua - Oaxaca Mexico

Hierve el Agua - Oaxaca Mexico

...water bubbles up from the rocks and creates a small pool. - hierve el agua - oaxaca mexico -...
Scanned photorealistic Iron cast Cross nr2 LOD0

Scanned photorealistic Iron cast Cross nr2 LOD0

...cast cross from eastern europe cemetery. rusted and with small concrete base. textures - pbr at 4k. lod0 1427...
Ferrari 328 GTS

Ferrari 328 GTS

...still based on the 308 gtb and gts respectively, small modifications were made to the body style and engine,...
Minas Gerais - Brazil Statue - 3D SCAN

Minas Gerais - Brazil Statue - 3D SCAN

...minas gerais - brazil statue - 3d scan sketchfab small reproduction of a statue from congonhas - minas gerais...
Sci-Fi Ladders (Red Version)

Sci-Fi Ladders (Red Version)

...the set contains 72 components. 30 ladder components 18 small ladder components 12 glass components 7 floor components 5...
Sci-Fi Ladders (Blue Version)

Sci-Fi Ladders (Blue Version)

...the set contains 72 components. 30 ladder components 18 small ladder components 12 glass components 7 floor components 5...
Sci-Fi Ladders (White Plastic Version)

Sci-Fi Ladders (White Plastic Version)

...the set contains 72 components. 30 ladder components 18 small ladder components 12 glass components 7 floor components 5...
Cable Distribution Cabinet 1

Cable Distribution Cabinet 1

...cabinet out from the “modular cable distribution cabinet-set”. the small grass hill was made by using the “lawn fields...
Flat Cap (Tartan 1)

Flat Cap (Tartan 1)

...(sometimes “scally cap”) is a rounded cap with a small stiff brim in front, originating in great britain and...
Hortensia - Hydrangea

Hortensia - Hydrangea

...shrubs 1 to 3 meters tall, but some are small trees, and others lianas reaching up to 30 m...
isometric yellow tourist van on halt in meadow

isometric yellow tourist van on halt in meadow collect whole worlds. optimized graphics: polygonality and very small textures 32x32 pixels per setting allow you to use...
Compozitie - Liana Axinte

Compozitie - Liana Axinte

...2003 europart – bruxelles, belgia 2003 “a praise of small format in contemporary art” – centre culturel ch peugeot...
Newspaper- Dispenser

Newspaper- Dispenser

...that`s the only different. but since there are only small metal parts it doesn´t matter , so you can...