Male 3d models
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17,283 male 3d models found

Download or buy, then render or print from the shops or marketplaces. 3D Models below are suitable not only for printing but also for any computer graphics like CG, VFX, Animation, or even CAD. You can print these 3d models on your favorite 3d printer or render them with your preferred render engine. Please note that the 3D model database is only a Search Engine. You should visit the original websites. Most of the models can be easily imported and rendered with Autodesk 3ds Max, Maya, Blender, C4D, and Sketchup. Check for online 3d model conversions tools for your file format. Shown 1 of 145 pages
male body

male body

...male body 3dexport 3d male body model for practice sculpting and texture


...fect for all your needs either if it is gaming or render stills. check out the untextured version here:
Cable Jack Male to Male

Cable Jack Male to Male with 4 diferent render layers for composition, specular, ambient occlusion, color and normal with is materials. low poly, ...
Male toilet urinal

Male toilet urinal

...male toilet urinal 3ddd писсуар male toilet urinal
Male toilet urinal

Male toilet urinal

...male toilet urinal 3ddd писсуар male toilet urinal
Male Head

Male Head

...ead base mesh human male male head -(all uv,subd ready) head – 1718 faces(all quads) eyes,gums,teeth – 8792 faces(tris&quads)
Classic Male Shoes

Classic Male Shoes

...classic male shoes 3ddd туфли , обувь classic male shoes
Male Base

Male Base

...all your needs either if it is gaming or render stills. check out the textured version here:
Hand Human Male

Hand Human Male

...hand human male 3docean anatomy arm body game hand hands low male model part people model of a human male hand
Male Anatomy Sculpture

Male Anatomy Sculpture

...male anatomy sculpture designconnected male anatomy sculpture computer generated 3d model.
Male Bust

Male Bust head highpoly human zbrush a high poly sculpt done in zbrush of a generic male bust with an animation layer with a grin on it.
Male Character

Male Character

...our project look great! the model has perfect edge loop based topology with rational polygons count. male character in .obj, ....
Realistic Male Body

Realistic Male Body

.... fully textured this is a high quality realistic rigged and animated male character. the character has anatomically correct a...
Male Bust 3D Model

Male Bust 3D Model

...male bust 3d model 3dexport male model torso statue male bust 3d model thenomadsoulx 53606 3dexport
HQ Male Body

HQ Male Body

... body high poly human male man men muscle muscles sport hq beautiful male body formats included: *.obj, *.c4d (r12), *.fbx, *.3ds
Dress male 3D Model

Dress male 3D Model

...dress male 3d model 3dexport dress male clothes costume garments dress male 3d model regrey 98659 3dexport
Character  Male 3D Model

Character Male 3D Model

...character male 3d model 3dexport male; character; low poly model; character male 3d model tanbeen 48541 3dexport
Male character 3D Model

Male character 3D Model

...male character 3d model 3dexport character male anatomy body human being male character 3d model models987 89676 3dexport
Male 3D Model

Male 3D Model

...le boy child dude guy hero human low male man men polygon super superhero drive driver male 3d model clutchtrigger 48058 3dexport
Fat Young Male

Fat Young Male

...racter detailed fat fatty human male man naked obese puffy young fat young male body formats included: *.obj, *.c4d, *.fbx, *.3ds
Male head 3D Model

Male head 3D Model

...en man mens males cartoonish male head 3d model download .c4d .max .obj .fbx .ma .lwo .3ds .3dm .stl 103196 3dexport
Male Anatomy3d model

Male Anatomy3d model

...haracter characters reference .obj .ztl - male anatomy 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
male body3d model

male body3d model

...male body3d model cgstudio .ma - male body 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
Male  Body

Male Body

...d. format – obj, ma(maya 2013) poly count- 8460. please appreciate my work and rate it. feel free to ask any help !! thanks u all
Lowpoly Male Base Mesh

Lowpoly Male Base Mesh

...lowpoly male base mesh 3docean base mesh human low poly male low poly male base mesh for low poly games or cinematic renders
high poly male head

high poly male head

...high poly male head 3dexport zbrush high poly male head sculpt in
Male Zombie3d model

Male Zombie3d model

...male zombie3d model cgstudio .fbx .max - male zombie 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
Male head 3D Model

Male head 3D Model

...male head 3d model 3dexport male head 3d model johnny 3163 3dexport
Male Head3d model

Male Head3d model

...male head3d model cgstudio .max .obj .ztl - male head 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
male body3d model

male body3d model

...male body3d model cgstudio .max .mb .obj - male body 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
High Resolution Male

High Resolution Male

...ated in quads and is idea for all your needs that require a male character. check out the untextured version here: http://3doc...
Male Head3d model

Male Head3d model

...head3d model cgstudio .obj .max .fbx .ztl - male head 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
Male Alien 3D Model

Male Alien 3D Model

...male alien 3d model 3dexport alien male alien 3d model adamant58r 77402 3dexport
Male Body Sculpture

Male Body Sculpture

...0% quads and is optimized for high detailed sculpting with very high poly mesh all over the body. can be used as museum or som...
Base Mesh Male

Base Mesh Male

...el optimized for use as a basis for future modeling in high definition using zbrush or mudbox. contains uv’s for later texturing.
Male Skeleton 3D Model

Male Skeleton 3D Model

...3dexport skeleton male anatomy male skeleton 3d model download .c4d .max .obj .fbx .ma .lwo .3ds .3dm .stl nivord 103267 3dexport
Dwarf Male 3D Model

Dwarf Male 3D Model

...dwarf male 3d model 3dexport dwarf lineage dwarf male 3d model avrora 2129 3dexport
Human Male Head

Human Male Head

...and the file formats include an .ma, .mb, .obj also available in standard materials and multiple formats. polygonal geometry, ...
Male torso3d model

Male torso3d model

...el cgstudio .3ds .c4d .fbx .ma .max .obj - male torso 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
3D Character Male 3D Model

3D Character Male 3D Model

...3d character male 3d model 3dexport 3d character male model people 3d character male 3d model pproduction 95282 3dexport
Male Mannequin 3D Model

Male Mannequin 3D Model

... dummy manikin headless statue sculpture realistic high detail retail display store male mannequin 3d model haya3d 63533 3dexport
Male body 3D Model

Male body 3D Model

...n human character people body high poly highpoly realistic pants jeans dress detailed adult male body 3d model fmj 12069 3dexport
Arab Male

Arab Male

...ity human low low poly lowpoly male man max obj optimized poly quality saudi sculpt small unwrapped uv uv unwrapped characters 3d
Low Poly Male Base Mesh

Low Poly Male Base Mesh

...o face details and no toe details, v2 has no face details and has toes, v3 has face details and no toe details, v4 has face de...
Base MESH (Male)

Base MESH (Male)

...natomy base basemesh character clean game human lowpoly male man realtime topology zbrush low poly base mesh, ready for sculpting
Male Arms3d model

Male Arms3d model

...gstudio .3ds .c4d .fbx .lws .mb .obj .xsi - male arms 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
Zombie Male Model

Zombie Male Model

...ompatible with mecanim. comes with color, normal, specular and displacement 4096 pixels maps. main format is maya 2015, obj an...
Male Base mesh

Male Base mesh

... you can use it for further details and creation. created using autodesk maya 2009. 100% quads uv layout textures *mb, fbx and...
Muscular Male 3D Model

Muscular Male 3D Model

...r anatomy men muscular muscles penis quality naked people mouth photoreal subdivision muscular male 3d model ezeq3d 5568 3dexport
Big Joe (Male Character)

Big Joe (Male Character)

... cheerful hair male materials mean muscular tattoo textured male character in .obj, .blend, .fbx, file format. textures included.
Cartoonish Civilian Male 3D Model

Cartoonish Civilian Male 3D Model

... cartoon character man male lowpoly gameready handpainted cartoonish civilian male 3d model inventerionproductions 74304 3dexport
Arab Male

Arab Male

... as a starting point for low poly game model or for high poly sculpt. it can also be used as a production model without any re...
Male  Base 3D Model

Male Base 3D Model

... child dude guy hero human low male man men polygon super superhero drive driver male base 3d model clutchtrigger 48524 3dexport
Generic Male Face 3D Model

Generic Male Face 3D Model

...neric male face 3d model 3dexport head face anatomy body male female arm eyes generic male face 3d model redrabbit 54765 3dexport
Male Pelvis3d model

Male Pelvis3d model

...i .obj .max .ma .lxo .lwo .fbx .c4d .3ds - male pelvis 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
Male Base Mesh3d model

Male Base Mesh3d model

...ople base basemesh topology .fbx .obj - male base mesh 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
Low Poly Male

Low Poly Male it can be used as a starting point for low poly game characters or for high poly feature animation. it has already been uv...
Human Comic Male Head Base Mesh

Human Comic Male Head Base Mesh

...optimised for animation. create in : 3ds max. geometry : polygons. poly count (triangles): 2946 files : .max (2011-2012-2013-2...
Base Male 3D Model

Base Male 3D Model

... anatomicaly correct muscles penis quality naked teeth tounge mouth photoreal subdivision base male 3d model ezeq3d 5567 3dexport
PELVIS  Male 3D Model

PELVIS Male 3D Model

...vis sacrum hip bones innominate coccis pelvic cavity brim pubic symphysis pecten pelvis male 3d model grrdesign3r 92605 3dexport
Male torso22011 3D Model

Male torso22011 3D Model

...nequin greek body man men athletic human muscle anatomy dummy manikin pants people male torso22011 3d model haya3d 63126 3dexport
Male HeadUVTeethGums 3D Model

Male HeadUVTeethGums 3D Model

...eye_ball eyeball eye ball cornea iris pupil face tongue teeth gums gum throat male headuvteethgums 3d model aazv17 61825 3dexport
Male Body Form3d model

Male Body Form3d model male reference printable .ztl .obj - male body form 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
Human Athletic Male Body Base Mesh

Human Athletic Male Body Base Mesh

...y subdivised mesh. create in : 3ds max. geometry : polygons. poly count (triangles): base mesh : 6294 hp subdivised mesh : 101...
Download free Male torso 3D Model

Download free Male torso 3D Model free male torso 3d model 3dexport male torso busto anatomy male torso 3d model overdren 78950 3dexport
Male Body 3D Model

Male Body 3D Model

...emale human hand head feet complete polygonal gums tutorial game 3d studio max model 3ds male body 3d model soardd 14531 3dexport
Male Anatomy 3D Model

Male Anatomy 3D Model

... characters obj character people male anatomy 3d model download .c4d .max .obj .fbx .ma .lwo .3ds .3dm .stl niyoo 111707 3dexport
Animated Males v23d model

Animated Males v23d model

...ted males v23d model cgstudio .mb - animated males v2 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
Male Arms Rigged3d model

Male Arms Rigged3d model

... arms rigged3d model cgstudio .max - male arms rigged 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
Male Torso Rigged3d model

Male Torso Rigged3d model

...orso rigged3d model cgstudio .max - male torso rigged 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
Male Head Rigged3d model

Male Head Rigged3d model

... head rigged3d model cgstudio .max - male head rigged 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
Male Legs Rigged3d model

Male Legs Rigged3d model

... legs rigged3d model cgstudio .max - male legs rigged 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
animated male head3d model

animated male head3d model

... male head3d model cgstudio .max - animated male head 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
Male Human Figure3d model

Male Human Figure3d model

...uman figure3d model cgstudio .3ds - male human figure 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
Character Male 3D Model

Character Male 3D Model

...character male 3d model 3dexport man low poly figure human character generic character male 3d model michaelmixm 37198 3dexport
High Resolution Male - Base

High Resolution Male - Base

... and is idea for all your needs that require a male character. check out the textured version here:
Low Poly Male Mesh

Low Poly Male Mesh

...y characters. all quads, with real proportions. ideal for sculpting and standard animation. thanks to the good meshflow it´s e...
Male Upper Body3d model

Male Upper Body3d model

...rence base basemesh people .obj .ztl - male upper body 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
charcaters male anatomy low-poly

charcaters male anatomy low-poly

...charcaters male anatomy low-poly 3dexport charcater male anatomy low-poly base mesh in a-pose
Male Zombies Collection3d model

Male Zombies Collection3d model

...3d model cgstudio .fbx .3ds - male zombies collection 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
Male Zombie Generic3d model

Male Zombie Generic3d model

...eric3d model cgstudio .max .fbx - male zombie generic 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
Male Bodybuilder 3D Model

Male Bodybuilder 3D Model army training weight lifter muscle strong fight fighter boxer soldier ton male bodybuilder 3d model wouter_vugt 25664 3dexport
Male Basemesh 3D Model

Male Basemesh 3D Model

...r people base basemesh topology male basemesh 3d model download .c4d .max .obj .fbx .ma .lwo .3ds .3dm .stl niyoo 111592 3dexport
human male character

human male character

...human male character 3dexport this human character is gameready and with texture and material highpoly
Textured Male Base Mesh Game Model

Textured Male Base Mesh Game Model

...y 13000 triangles mesh – low poly 1600 triangles mesh the 2 meshes share the same high quality material with the following tex...
Low Poly Male Human

Low Poly Male Human

... lowpoly version of a male polycount – 4958 it is ready for sculpting, texturing, rigging, animation etc also check free counters
Male Head Base Mesh

Male Head Base Mesh

...e base mesh can be easily used as a good starting point for creating heads for your characters or practising in facial animation.
Male Body 023d model

Male Body 023d model

...ody 023d model cgstudio .3ds .max .obj - male body 02 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
Male Body 013d model

Male Body 013d model

...ody 013d model cgstudio .3ds .max .obj - male body 01 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
manikin male b3d model

manikin male b3d model

...le b3d model cgstudio .3ds .max .obj - manikin male b 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
Casual Male 06

Casual Male 06

...d optimized for real-time games and for production as well. the model is uv unwrapped. anzovin rig nodes (free plugin) require...
Casual Male 03

Casual Male 03

...d optimized for real-time games and for production as well. the model is uv unwrapped. anzovin rig nodes (free plugin) require...
Child Male 01

Child Male 01

... optimized for real-time games and for production as well. the model is uv unwrapped. anzovin rig nodes (free plugin) required...
Formal Male 02

Formal Male 02

...d optimized for real-time games and for production as well. the model is uv unwrapped. anzovin rig nodes (free plugin) require...
Navy Male 02

Navy Male 02

...optimized for real-time games and for production as well. the model is uv unwrapped. anzovin rig nodes (free plugin) required ...
Casual Male 01

Casual Male 01

...d optimized for real-time games and for production as well. the model is uv unwrapped. anzovin rig nodes (free plugin) require...
Casual Male 02

Casual Male 02

...d optimized for real-time games and for production as well. the model is uv unwrapped. anzovin rig nodes (free plugin) require...
Male Base Mesh

Male Base Mesh

...ctly as a low poly character. arms and legs have mirrored uv to get more resolution. feel free to mail me about any questions ...
Male Anatomy Collection3d model

Male Anatomy Collection3d model

...led reference .ztl .obj .fbx - male anatomy collection 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
Human Manga Male Base Mesh - Low Poly

Human Manga Male Base Mesh - Low Poly

...ds max. geometry : polygons. poly count (triangles): 3490. files : .obj (multi format), .fbx (multi format), 3ds (multi format...
Male Character Barbarian 3D Model

Male Character Barbarian 3D Model

...haracter male man male character barbarian 3d model download .c4d .max .obj .fbx .ma .lwo .3ds .3dm .stl vladyder 112762 3dexport
Human Male Head Low Poly

Human Male Head Low Poly

...oly 3docean android flappy bird game head human ios ipad iphone ipod low male mesh poly human male head low poly poly count :598
Realistic Male with Clothes3d model

Realistic Male with Clothes3d model

...udio .3ds .max .mb .obj - realistic male with clothes 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
Realistic Male Character3d model

Realistic Male Character3d model

...gstudio .3ds .max .mb .obj - realistic male character 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
Muscular Male anatomical correct 3D Model

Muscular Male anatomical correct 3D Model

...3d model 3dexport male muscular anatomical correct base model muscular male anatomical correct 3d model nasoukikos 34384 3dexport
Male Hands on Hips 1

Male Hands on Hips 1

...tion data · frame rates : 24 fps // 30 fps · # frames : 286 // 357 · formats : .bvh .bip · version (review) : 3.51 ( 2015/04/28 )
Human Male Base Mesh

Human Male Base Mesh

...k uv map low poly model of human male body. ready for animation and texturing. uv map in tiff file. obj, fbx and c4d model files.
Male Base Mesh3d model

Male Base Mesh3d model

...owpoly max obj man male boy .obj .max - male base mesh 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
Lowpoly Base Mesh Male

Lowpoly Base Mesh Male evenly distributed geometry. can be imported into a highpoly sculpted program such as zbrush or mudbox to sculpt any charac...
Male Pirate Rigged 3D Model

Male Pirate Rigged 3D Model

...on pirate caribbean hat tricorn people fantasy villain sea adventure boots male pirate rigged 3d model codethislab 69947 3dexport
Male Mannequin3d model

Male Mannequin3d model

...ddess 3d .max .obj .ma .fbx .c4d .3ds - male mannequin 3d model, royalty free license available, instant download after purchase.
Formal Male 04

Formal Male 04

...d optimized for real-time games and for production as well. the model is uv unwrapped. anzovin rig nodes (free plugin) require...
Casual Male 05

Casual Male 05

...d optimized for real-time games and for production as well. the model is uv unwrapped. face rig curve based facial rig. anzovi...
Casual Male 04

Casual Male 04

...d optimized for real-time games and for production as well. the model is uv unwrapped. face rig curve based facial rig. anzovi...
Navy Male 01

Navy Male 01

...optimized for real-time games and for production as well. the model is uv unwrapped. anzovin rig nodes (free plugin) required ...
Formal Male 03

Formal Male 03

...d optimized for real-time games and for production as well. the model is uv unwrapped. anzovin rig nodes (free plugin) require...
Swat Male 01

Swat Male 01

...optimized for real-time games and for production as well. the model is uv unwrapped. anzovin rig nodes (free plugin) required ...
Formal Male 01

Formal Male 01

...d optimized for real-time games and for production as well. the model is uv unwrapped. anzovin rig nodes (free plugin) require...
Male Pelvis 3D Model

Male Pelvis 3D Model testicles vagina testes male pelvis 3d model download .c4d .max .obj .fbx .ma .lwo .3ds .3dm .stl digitallab3d 106392 3dexport
Male base mesh 3D Model

Male base mesh 3D Model

...e base mesh body human being male base mesh 3d model download .c4d .max .obj .fbx .ma .lwo .3ds .3dm .stl madara7 107703 3dexport
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