ZiL 432730 (Technical) 3d model
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ZiL 432730 (Technical)

ZiL 432730 (Technical)

by Free3D
Last crawled date: 3 years, 2 months ago
In 1996 specialists of experimental design and production (CEP) produced a prototype ZIL-432720. The car with a wheelbase of 3340 mm has received not only the engine and cab from 'steers', but also a new marketing code - ZIL-5301FA, further emphasizing its kinship with the popular commercial truck. ZIL-432720 now resembled German Unimog, was offered as the base car for urban public utilities, road and transport construction, agriculture and forestry, oil and gas industries and energy, rescue and fire-fighting units.

To work in a variety of economic and commercial structure for a variant with increased up to 4140 mm base - ZIL-432730 (ZIL-5301FB). Cars under the order can be completed with a diesel engine D-245.9 E2 136 hp.

It was the result of 'crossing' ZIL-5301 and all-wheel drive truck ZIL-131. From ZIL-5301 got a cabin with a slightly modified feathers, Minsk diesel engine MMZ-245.12 power 108.8 hp and a five-speed gearbox. From ZiL-131 inherited a large part of the transmission units (two-stage transfer case, propeller shafts, front and rear drive axles), as well as elements of the chassis (front suspension, brakes, wheels, etc.).
