Wall Box Planter by Opie1976 3d model
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Wall Box Planter by Opie1976

Wall Box Planter by Opie1976

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 5 months ago
This design came about when I was trying to hang some plants on the wall in an apartment without making any holes in the walls.
The wall plate can be affixed to the wall with the 3M Command strips allowing the planter to be hung without damaging the walls.
The design also allows for removal of the planter without removing the wall plate making it easy to water or replant.
I did have to file down the pegs on the wall plate a bit in order to have a nice snug fit. I didn't want it to be too loose to where the planter would just fall off. So far I have not had any problems with the bottom of the planter leaking during watering. However I do recommend removing the planter and watering over a sink. If you do experience leaking issues, you can always increase the number of walls and layers in slicer. Or use two part epoxy resin to pain the inside of the planter in post processing.
