TronXY P802MA Modular frame braces by AAZeroThree4 3d model
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TronXY P802MA Modular frame braces by AAZeroThree4

TronXY P802MA Modular frame braces by AAZeroThree4

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 5 months ago
I printed some modular vertical frame braces to reduce wobble in the z-x plane to less than 0.1mm relative movement at the top of the z axis. Note this was crudely measured.
At this stability it is an angular error of 0.026 degrees and the deviation in mm in the plane vertical alignment is equal to:
the z axis printing height x 0.000454.
The multiplier comes from the tangent of the angular error.
The braces fit together with dowels that are friction fit. They fit between the horizontal surfaces of the acrylic frame.
There is some movement along the rod, you can try different infill patterns or increase the diameter to get more rigidty but make sure they don't get in the way of the carriages or anything else.
Scad files included for customisation.
You need two frame braces and two dowels and one rod for each side. It might be easier to print two sets of the above all together so you have a complete brace for each side.
If you need to make slight adjustments, you can print a washer to put between the brace sections and the rod. If the dowels are tight don't force them, lightly sand them. A friction fit doesn't matter much here as the part is in compression. Don't bend the rods sideways or they will break!.
You might experiment with a different cross section to get more rigid rods. This is left as an exercise for the reader LOL.
Actually the braces can be printed alone and the rod replaced with copper pipe or tubing 15mm outside diameter (OD). The base of the brace is 16mm OD and the shaft is 12mm OD. Copper pipe is very strong and rigid and cheap. Again fine adjustments can be made with a 0.2mm high printed washer at the base of the pipe. You might have a piece laying around.
