Traction for icy conditions by DiabaseEngineer 3d model
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Traction for icy conditions by DiabaseEngineer

Traction for icy conditions by DiabaseEngineer

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 4 months ago
It's kind of late in the season to be worrying about ice...but I guess in the southern hemisphere it's good timing.
Printed these on a FF Creator Pro in NinjaFlex at 70mm/s with the Flexion Extruder
I used the full build plate for this, but it was still a bit tight on a size 10 shoe. A lower durometer filament would also be nice (Be sure to tell NinjaTek if you also would like the ability to print in softer materials). The Flexion can easily print as low as 60A durometer...we're just waiting on them to put the material on the market.
I got the chain from Home Depot for about $2.00
Happy printing....of worthwhile/functional things...
