Tesla Supercharger iPhone charger - 3 Single color plates - prepositioned by MAKERFAM 3d model
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Tesla Supercharger iPhone charger - 3 Single color plates - prepositioned by MAKERFAM

Tesla Supercharger iPhone charger - 3 Single color plates - prepositioned by MAKERFAM

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 4 months ago
I've tried to rearrange this to make it as simple as possible to print. 3 plates, single color for each (White, Red, Silver). As the actual Superchargers have either concrete, no base, or some other variation, I've initially included the base as red, but have also uploaded plates that group the base with the silver sidebars as well (plates designated with "2" at the end)
The White, main part of the Supercharger should be printed with raft and support (I couldn't find a way to get this to print without any support. Will try to slice it differently later. The others should print just with raft. I use a Makerbot Replicator 2 PLA printer. I'll post some pix of my final prints soon.
