Sony Vaio Tap 20 3d model
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Sony Vaio Tap 20

Sony Vaio Tap 20

by 3ddd
Last crawled date: 7 years, 10 months ago
SONY VAIO Tap 20 Mobile Desktop
Portable touchscreen PC for hands-on fun and cord-free convenience
Стек не свернут.
В архиве файлы для 3dsmax 2013 и 3dsmax 2010, а также fbx.
Приятного пользования)))
SONY VAIO Tap 20 Mobile Desktop
Portable touchscreen PC for hands-on fun and cord-free convenience
Stack of modifiers is open, so you can manage the number of turbosmooth iterations.
Product includes .max files for 3dsmax 2013 and 3dsmax 2010, fbx file and all necessary textures.
