Sigsfur - Rogue G.M.O. by Jay_Dee 3d model
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Sigsfur - Rogue G.M.O. by Jay_Dee

Sigsfur - Rogue G.M.O. by Jay_Dee

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 8 months ago
GMO449-W85-T564 was ejected from his cloning vat fully matured in the Geno-manufacturing plant of Belzus 4, along with 665 identical brothers for the founding of the 54th Belzibubian Regiment, commissioned by High Magister Pinkerton of the Luciferian Cabal (Reticuli Sector). He was one of a long line of disposable shock troops genetically engineered to inspire blasphemic horror in the enemies (and often innocent victims) of the Satanic Forces bent on conquering known space. Unlike the millions before him however, he was not interested in being anyone's property. Sigsfur as he refers to himself (64), hasn't reported for duty in a long, long time. Blazing his own trail across the galactic colonies, he now lives a life of mayhem to stay one step ahead of the re-acquisition agents of the Luciferian Cabal, selling his particular skills to those that can pay.
