Servo laser beam block by FlashLuke 3d model
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Servo laser beam block by FlashLuke

Servo laser beam block by FlashLuke

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 8 months ago
One extremely simple optical beam shutter driven by arduino nano + labview LINX (or just arduino depends what you need) allowing to block optical beam precisely with very good timing (servo can go up to 2 Hz). It can easily be used when optical chopping at very small frequencies is needed or just to block the beam during some other operation. Beam block should hold decent laser powers tested up to 1 W. The height is adjustable by a screw on the servo holder + the rod can be extended quite easily in length with more steps. I added some rubber feets so it holds on the optical table with no problems. Servo is connected to 5V from USB and on the arduino digital i/o 9. For video see .
