Sequential Shifter (DSD Inspired) by LocalwarCorp 3d model
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Sequential Shifter (DSD Inspired) by LocalwarCorp

Sequential Shifter (DSD Inspired) by LocalwarCorp

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 5 months ago
Sequential Shifter for simracing,highly inspired by
The part secuencial_taco.stl is printed on filaflex with 10% infill
Rest of parts with PLA and 30% infill
I´ve used 2 spare buttons fron Leo Bodnar
You need some M3 screws to attach secuencial_boton(print 2 of this) to secuencial_base part.
The part secuencial_taco is ready to screw if needed,but in my case is holded in place because tight fit.10% infill works well for me,you can change this value to your taste if you want a harder response.
The threaded rod and nylon nuts used for the axe are M8.You need some washers too to center the secuencial-puño inside the base.
In my case the shifter is attached to 45 mm T-slot profile with M8 T-screws and nuts.
The secuencial_puño part works well as is,but you can also print the secuencial_flex part and put the puño inside(i´ve used a hammer and a bit of patience:)
