Procedural Test by shivinteger 3d model
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Procedural Test by shivinteger

Procedural Test by shivinteger

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 5 months ago
[>>>] Generating Attributions log:
[0] Thing Title : Procedural Composite Material - Macro Foam
[0] Thing URL :
[0] Thing Author : aeron203
[0] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution
[1] Thing Title : Gemstone Whistle (optimized for FDM printing)
[1] Thing URL :
[1] Thing Author : mechadense
[1] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution
[2] Thing Title : Basic Box
[2] Thing URL :
[2] Thing Author : Notchshero
[2] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution
[3] Thing Title : Zortrax M200 Quality Test
[3] Thing URL :
[3] Thing Author : mazcunan
[3] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution
[4] Thing Title : Thunder Badge Pokemon Magnet
[4] Thing URL :
[4] Thing Author : Blorb
[4] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution
[5] Thing Title : USB Flash Drive - personalized
[5] Thing URL :
[5] Thing Author : Emese
[5] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution
[6] Thing Title : Jansen Hur Revised (Legs)
[6] Thing URL :
[6] Thing Author : sreese271
[6] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution
[7] Thing Title : Water cycle dice
[7] Thing URL :
[7] Thing Author : gnadori
[7] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution
[+] Attributions logged
[+] Getting object #0
[<] Importing : downloads/846961/kutu-Cube.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Preparing : kutu-Cube
[+] Getting object #1
[<] Importing : downloads/1328352/Jansen_Hurrevised-_Assembly_1.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Preparing : Jansen Hur revised - Assembly 1
[+] Rotating object = Jansen Hur revised - Assembly 1.003
[!] Volume difference is 2.63%
[+] Scaled Jansen Hur revised - Assembly 1.003 by 156.00%
[+] Created duplicate : kutu-Cube.001
[+] Staging objects : ON_RIGHT
[+] Union between : kutu-Cube.001 & Jansen Hur revised - Assembly 1.003
[!] Number of faces #1 : 132 + number of faces #2 : 3116 = 3248
[!] Number of faces of union: 2770
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: -0.02%, F: -0.04%
[+] Getting object #2
[<] Importing : downloads/1119282/cube_19.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Preparing : Cube 19
[+] Rotating object = Cube 19
[!] Volume difference is 0.06%
[+] Scaled Cube 19 by 538.66%
[+] Created duplicate : kutu-Cube.000
[+] Staging objects : ON_BACK
[+] Union between : kutu-Cube.000 & Cube 19
[!] Number of faces #1 : 2769 + number of faces #2 : 2080 = 4849
[!] Number of faces of union: 3393
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Getting object #3
[<] Importing : downloads/820955/simplewhistle_v0.1.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Preparing : Simplewhistle V0.1
[+] Rotating object = Simplewhistle V0.1
[!] Volume difference is 0.60%
[+] Scaled Simplewhistle V0.1 by 255.21%
[+] Created duplicate : kutu-Cube.001
[+] Staging objects : DEFAULT
[+] Union between : kutu-Cube.001 & Simplewhistle V0.1
[!] Number of faces #1 : 3393 + number of faces #2 : 11880 = 15273
[!] Number of faces of union: 15273
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Getting object #4
[<] Importing : downloads/1353905/glacier.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: -0.11%, F: -0.16%
[+] Preparing : Glacier
[+] Rotating object = Glacier
[!] Volume difference is 0.33%
[+] Scaled Glacier by 312.03%
[+] Created duplicate : kutu-Cube.000
[+] Staging objects : BOTH_RIGHT
[+] Union between : kutu-Cube.000 & Glacier
[!] Number of faces #1 : 15273 + number of faces #2 : 623 = 15896
[!] Number of faces of union: 13841
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Getting object #5
[<] Importing : downloads/1323457/IYOU_-_Model3-_pixel_repaired.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: -0.04%, F: -0.06%
[+] Preparing : IYOU - Model 3 - pixel repaired
[+] Rotating object = IYOU - Model 3 - pixel repaired.003
[!] Volume difference is 0.01%
[+] Scaled IYOU - Model 3 - pixel repaired.003 by 1169.26%
[+] Created duplicate : kutu-Cube.001
[+] Staging objects : ON_LEFT
[+] Union between : kutu-Cube.001 & IYOU - Model 3 - pixel repaired.003
[!] Number of faces #1 : 13841 + number of faces #2 : 676 = 14517
[!] Number of faces of union: 14523
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -0.01%, E: -0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Getting object #6
[<] Importing : downloads/1310646/Thunder_badge.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Preparing : Thunder badge
[+] Rotating object = Thunder badge.001
[!] Volume difference is 0.02%
[+] Scaled Thunder badge.001 by 865.80%
[+] Created duplicate : kutu-Cube.000
[+] Staging objects : ON_BOTTOM
[+] Union between : kutu-Cube.000 & Thunder badge.001
[!] Number of faces #1 : 14523 + number of faces #2 : 212 = 14735
[!] Number of faces of union: 14735
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Getting object #7
[<] Importing : downloads/27495/Cell_x_Chips_A_opt2.STL
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: -0.00%, F: -0.00%
[+] Preparing : Cell x Chips A opt2
[+] Rotating object = Cell x Chips A opt2.077
[!] Volume difference is 0.32%
[+] Scaled Cell x Chips A opt2.077 by 316.14%
[+] Created duplicate : kutu-Cube.001
[+] Staging objects : BOTH_BACK
[+] Union between : kutu-Cube.001 & Cell x Chips A opt2.077
[!] Number of faces #1 : 14735 + number of faces #2 : 2902 = 17637
[!] Number of faces of union: 16091
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[>] Exporting STL to : /uploads/20160226-2241-23
