ParkZone P-51D Mustang Firewall by sutekh 3d model
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ParkZone P-51D Mustang Firewall by sutekh

ParkZone P-51D Mustang Firewall by sutekh

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 4 months ago
As an avid RC flyer, it's always bugged me more than a little that ParkZone doesn't sell separately the plastic firewalls on the front of their EPO foam fuselages. You can readilly buy new cowlings and motor mounts, but if the firewall is compromised (which happens easily in a moderate crash), you must buy an entire new fuselage (> $30). Here's a 3-piece replacement for their P-51D Mustang (480 size vs. micro).
I printed the pictured part in ABS on an MBI 2X @ 50% fill & .20mm height using MakerWare / Skeinforge. I then glued the halves together with an acetone / ABS slurry. You're on your own to drill the small holes for the motor mount and cowling. Overall, it's a little narrow through the middle, but mounts and flies fine.
