Parametric Clip by foxos 3d model
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Parametric Clip by foxos

Parametric Clip by foxos

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 5 months ago
Customizable clip written in openjsscad.
Version: 1.1.0
Show / Customize / Instant Edit
Customize: Just edit the parameters(bottom left), click "update" then "Generate STL" and "Download STL". BOOM ready to print.
The Example you can download directly at Thingiverse is for the "Intex Quadra Frame Pool" to hold the covering tarpaulin. For the sides rounded version i reduced the resolution to 32.
Parameter for this:
inner diameter: 58mm
height: 30mm
thickness: 3mm
resolution: 256
Printed with PLA.
Something wrong or missing?
Source Code @github.
File an issue.
Or even better create a pull request.
