Orion-like COMET Future by shivinteger 3d model
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Orion-like COMET Future by shivinteger

Orion-like COMET Future by shivinteger

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 4 months ago
[>>>] Generating Attributions log:
[0] Thing Title : Jar Spray Top
[0] Thing URL : http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:104218
[0] Thing Author : Julia_vz
[0] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial
[1] Thing Title : Cork Angelo
[1] Thing URL : http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:151186
[1] Thing Author : bmcage
[1] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial
[2] Thing Title : Orion-like Model Rocket Nose Cone
[2] Thing URL : http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:542751
[2] Thing Author : WRRL
[2] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial
[3] Thing Title : COMET - Captain Future
[3] Thing URL : http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1149567
[3] Thing Author : Tomalinski
[3] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial
[4] Thing Title : Raspberry Pi based Rover
[4] Thing URL : http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1357120
[4] Thing Author : JoeyC
[4] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial
[+] Attributions logged
[+] Getting object #0
[<] Importing : downloads/1149567/antenna_1__1x.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Preparing : Antenna 1 1X
[+] Getting object #1
[+] No STL in that folder
[+] Getting object #1
[<] Importing : downloads/959925/MIC_MOUNT_THREAD.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -3.54%, E: -4.04%, F: -4.20%
[-] Object is malformed
[+] Deleting bad source : downloads/959925/MIC_MOUNT_THREAD.stl
[+] Getting object #1
[<] Importing : downloads/542751/LAS_Nosecone.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: -0.35%, F: -0.53%
[+] Preparing : LAS Nosecone
[+] Rotating object = LAS Nosecone
[!] Volume difference is 221.83%
[+] Created duplicate : Antenna 1 1X.001
[+] Staging objects : ON_BACK
[+] Union between : Antenna 1 1X.001 & LAS Nosecone
[!] Number of faces #1 : 220 + number of faces #2 : 203 = 423
[!] Number of faces of union: 441
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Getting object #2
[<] Importing : downloads/104218/03_Button_02.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Preparing : 03 Button 02
[+] Rotating object = 03 Button 02
[!] Volume difference is 20.88%
[+] Created duplicate : Antenna 1 1X.000
[+] Staging objects : ON_BACK
[+] Union between : Antenna 1 1X.000 & 03 Button 02
[!] Number of faces #1 : 441 + number of faces #2 : 520 = 961
[!] Number of faces of union: 979
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Getting object #3
[<] Importing : downloads/151186/corck_angel_aureole_2piece.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Preparing : Corck Angel Aureole 2Piece
[+] Rotating object = Corck Angel Aureole 2Piece
[!] Volume difference is 1.64%
[+] Scaled Corck Angel Aureole 2Piece by 182.54%
[+] Created duplicate : Antenna 1 1X.001
[+] Staging objects : ON_TOP
[+] Union between : Antenna 1 1X.001 & Corck Angel Aureole 2Piece
[!] Number of faces #1 : 979 + number of faces #2 : 72 = 1051
[!] Number of faces of union: 1025
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Getting object #4
[<] Importing : downloads/104218/01_Body.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -0.00%, E: -0.01%, F: -0.01%
[+] Preparing : 01 Body
[+] Rotating object = 01 Body
[!] Volume difference is 3474.31%
[+] Scaled 01 Body by 66.03%
[+] Created duplicate : Antenna 1 1X.000
[+] Staging objects : BOTH_BOTTOM
[+] Union between : Antenna 1 1X.000 & 01 Body
[!] Number of faces #1 : 1025 + number of faces #2 : 89562 = 90587
[!] Number of faces of union: 88787
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -0.00%, E: -0.00%, F: -0.00%
[+] Getting object #5
[<] Importing : downloads/1357120/bot.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Preparing : Bot
[+] Rotating object = Bot.003
[!] Volume difference is 371.77%
[+] Created duplicate : Antenna 1 1X.001
[+] Staging objects : BOTH_FRONT
[+] Union between : Antenna 1 1X.001 & Bot.003
[!] Number of faces #1 : 88786 + number of faces #2 : 464 = 89250
[!] Number of faces of union: 89215
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[>] Exporting STL to : /uploads/20160221-0821-43
