OpenSCAD Tente brick generator / Generador de ladrillos TENTE by Trenes_y_Joyas 3d model
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OpenSCAD Tente brick generator / Generador de ladrillos TENTE by Trenes_y_Joyas

OpenSCAD Tente brick generator / Generador de ladrillos TENTE by Trenes_y_Joyas

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 4 months ago
TENTE brick generator based on OpenSCAD.
Only allow three kind of bricks at this moment (plain, low and high).Like other designs, Customizer does not work. :(
I have fixed Customizer, now it works.
Generador de ladrillos TENTE basado en OpenSCAD.
Sólo permite tres tipos de piezas en este momento (plana, baja y alta).Como otras piezas, Customizer no funciona. :(
He arreglado Customizer, ahora funciona.
Bricks implemented / ladrillos implementados (var pieza_tipo):
0: Plana - Plain (0)
1: Baja - Low (1)
2: Alta - High (2)
3: Baldosa - Tile (3)
4: Cilindros - Cylinders (4)
5: Tubo - Pipe (5)
6: Cilindro - Cylinder (6)
7: Chimenea bajo - Chimney low (7)
8: Chimenea alta - Chimney tall (8)
9: Amortiguador - Dumper (9)
10: Pico normal - Peak normal (10)
11: Pico esquina - Peak corner (11)
12: Cuña - Wedge (12)
15: Baldosa gorda curva - Fat curved tile (15)
50: Semicírculo - Half circle (50)
51: Popa gorda - popa thick (51)
60: Proa plana - Proa plain (60)
61: Proa gruesa - Proa thick (61)
62: Proa borde - Proa border(62)
Not all vars work for all classes.
No todas las variables funcionan para todos los tipos.
