Nerf Modulus ECS-10 Rifle Wall Mount by FluffyPanda 3d model
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Nerf Modulus ECS-10 Rifle Wall Mount by FluffyPanda

Nerf Modulus ECS-10 Rifle Wall Mount by FluffyPanda

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 5 months ago
A custom wall mount for a Nerf Modulus ECS-10 blaster. There are two parts to each bracket, the mounting plate and the hook itself, so as to avoid needing supports.
On my printer I needed to scale the X and Y dimensions up by 1.02x in order to get them to fit together smoothly, so I'd recommend trying the included scaled version of the mounting plate (Nerf Monulus Holder - Holes - Mount - scaleXY1.02.stl ). The original is included as well in case your printer is more precise than mine.
EDIT: I've now used this design also for a Regulator. The fit isn't precise, but is more than good enough, as you can see from the photo. I backed the hook area with self-adhesive neoprene foam to tighten the fit a little, but it held the blaster ok without.
