Multiple Colors, Switching Filaments by ModifiedDesigns3D model
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Multiple Colors, Switching Filaments by ModifiedDesigns3D

Multiple Colors, Switching Filaments by ModifiedDesigns3D

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 4 months ago
Everyone wants more colors!!
We all stare at our printers waiting for that perfect moment to pause for a color change, only to be distracted and miss that moment!!
Well never again!!
After lots of tinkering, research, some guidance and help. I have created a nice little pause code. And wish to make things easier for everyone!
Like many of you, I print from the SD card. So after you create your G-code, and of course figure out the layer/height you wish to switch colors. Simply insert this little section of code right after a finished layer, and right before the new layer. And as many times as you want!
G1 X0 Y200 F5000 ; Moves print head to back corner. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE 200MM Y MOVEMENT!!
M104 S120 ; Lowers temp to create a cold pull
M109 S120 ; Printer waits until this temp is reached
M300 S0 P1000 ; Beep to let you know the printer is now ready change.
M117 "Change Me Daddy" ; Message
M25 ; Printer pauses and waits until you click continue print.
M104 S205 ; Temp of your new filament
M109 S205 ; Printer waits until this temp is reached
M300 S0 P1000 ; One more beep to let you know its ready to print.
M117 "Ready To Go" ; Message
M25 ; Printer pauses and waits for you to click continue print.
;G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops
There is a timeout disabling the stepper motors. Longer than about 7 minutes at idle and the stepper motors disable, and you will get a shift in prints. If you can easily move the bed with your finger the motors have disabled. As of now I have not found a line code to keep the steppers enabled longer. A couple ways to bypass this issue.
Uncomment the last piece of code. this will home the X and Y to reestablish the extruder origin.
Or do these steps manually. On the LCD screen, go to Home X and Home Y ONLY!
Included is a short pillar you can test your filament changes on.
Visit my page for pictures and more in depth instructions.
I have also been working on making my printer beep out some cool tunes. So when I get time in between projects. Ill be posting them to my page as well.
