MINOLTA Alpha-5000 Replacement Grip by kazuma_k 3d model
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MINOLTA Alpha-5000 Replacement Grip by kazuma_k

MINOLTA Alpha-5000 Replacement Grip by kazuma_k

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 11 months ago
Replacement grips for MINOLTA Alpha-5000 / MAXXUM 5000 / Dynax 5000
a5000_f_grip_yyyymmdd.stl : For front grip.
a5000_s_grip_yyyymmdd.stl : For AAA battery holder BH-70S.
(The side grip is the same as those for the Alpha-7000.)
The grip for the rear is not made because it does not hydrolyze.
Remove the original parts and then glue them together.
