Mini Servo Rotational Bracket by mjstn2011 3d model
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Mini Servo Rotational Bracket by mjstn2011

Mini Servo Rotational Bracket by mjstn2011

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 2 months ago
This is a bracket that holds a popular mini-servo used in robotics or other electro-mechanical uses such as the Tower Pro MG90 or MG90S. This holds a Tower Pro MG90S all metal gear servo (and others in this standard size) and the base plate if rotated will rotate the servo drive sprocket centered on rotation of the base plate.
Note that this version does not allow servo to be screwed into this mount because in my usage I attach a part of a robot arm to the servo itself. This bracket holds in the servo with a second piece by friction.
There is a circular mounting plate centered on the other side of where the mini servo would have it's shaft so this is a useful part for a wrist on a robot to hold this and twist then this thing could hold a servo for another arm or for the servo that actuates a gripper such as seen in thing 2303095 or thing 7109, many grippers use mini servo oriented so this thing could hold it and that is how I use it now.
The orientation for print is as shown in the stl picture so no supports are required.
There are two holes at the open end of the main bracket where the little holder pieces are used with the protrusion facing the servo. The holder is held in place with M2.5x6mm tapping screws that are 20mm. It can also be handy if the servo is loose due to slightly different body sizes to put masking or thicker gaffer tape or just a piece of thin cardboard as in the picture around the part of the servo that goes into this mount for a more snug fit. I did not want to have some servos be too big.
Keep on Printin
