MakerBot Mixtape by MakerBot 3d model
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MakerBot Mixtape by MakerBot

MakerBot Mixtape by MakerBot

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 4 months ago
Rediscover a lost classic - MakerBot a Mixtape!
The MakerBot Mixtape Kit gives you the power to create the ultimate gift. We ship you the electronics, you print the STLs on this page in any of our terrific filament colors and snap the whole thing together!

This project is designed to work with the MakerBot Mixtape Kit, available on our store.

Don't have a MakerBot yet? Get your hands on a fully assembled MakerBot Mixtape at the link below.

Designed by John B., Matt K. and John D.

A collaborative project with Playbutton
