M3 screw cutter box (scalable) by Epaclon 3d model
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M3 screw cutter box (scalable) by Epaclon

M3 screw cutter box (scalable) by Epaclon

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 2 months ago
Cut your screws easily.
To hold the screws put the nuts in the hexagonal holes.
The stl model was made to cut 3x20 screws to 3x18. It is scalable, you can download the scad code and change some parameters to adapt to your needs.
You can change the "largoTornilloInicial" variable to indicate your initial screw length.
The "sobrante" variable to indicate the length to cut.
The "numTornillos" variable to indicate the number of screws per side.
