Longboard Orangatang Kegel 44 Tooth Lock Nut Pulley for 9mm, 12mm, 15mm Belt by JuniorPotato93 3d model
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Longboard Orangatang Kegel 44 Tooth Lock Nut Pulley for 9mm, 12mm, 15mm Belt by JuniorPotato93

Longboard Orangatang Kegel 44 Tooth Lock Nut Pulley for 9mm, 12mm, 15mm Belt by JuniorPotato93

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 4 months ago
28/08/2016: Updated file for better fit against the core
If you're into building and talking about esk8s then come pay us a visit: http://www.electric-skateboard.builders/
This file has cut outs for the nuts that correspond to 10-24 or 10-32 bolts. Both nuts have the same outer dimensions and so will work with this file. The pulley has clearance holes to allow for the bolt to pass right through and engage the lock nut. A 2 inch bolt will be long enough to engage the nylon locking ring in a lock nut. To insert the nuts, thread them on backwards to the bolt and using the wheel as support, push them down into the cut outs from the backside of the pulley. Once seated, unthread the bolt and the nuts will remain in place.
The minimum clearance required for use is 21mm diameter so will hit Caliber II trucks and probably Caliber I trucks, Paris should be fine as well as other round profile trucks.
The pictures show a Caliber II truck and the one that's highlighted in blue shows what you have to file off to use this with them.
There's a "21"mm clearance file as well which you can print and slide over the axle to check/mark what you need to file off. The file is actually 19mm diameter because 21 mm is a very tight fit but theoretically it would work but you can scale it to whatever you'd like.
After printing, you may just want to take a 3/16th Drill bit and clear out the holes for the bolts if you have any debris in them.
I've printed one file to confirm fitment, no issues on this print so enjoy!
Mounting hardware:
5X 10-32X2.00" Bolt (or 10-24)
5X 10-32 Lock Nut (or 10-24)
Alt: 5X 10-32 Nut (or 10-24) +Loctite Thread Locker if you don't have access to lock nuts.
5X #10 Washer (optional, to be placed between bolt head and Orangatang Kegel Flat Face Adapter)
There is tons of work that went into making these and the other pulley series on here so if you wish to contribute feel free to donate any amount you wish.https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=VTAQR2QBC8V4S&lc=CA&item_name=Juniour%20Potato%20Drive%20Pulleys&item_number=JPDP¤cy_code=CAD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted
