Logitech C510 Cam Mount for Ender 3 Pro 3d model
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Logitech C510 Cam Mount for Ender 3 Pro

Logitech C510 Cam Mount for Ender 3 Pro

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 5 years ago
I wanted to mount my Logitech webcam, so I took the a pi mount that was made by joevapesreviews. And made it work with the Logitech.
You will need to take the base off the Logitech, unfortunately I could not get mine off with out braking the base. But was able to keep the pin and camera in one piece. For now I am just using he pivot pin from the cam. but would like to get a nut and bolt for it. to tighten it up.
I would also like to rework the hole for the USB cable too.
