Lilla Bommen Swedish Skyscraper | 3D model
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Lilla Bommen Swedish Skyscraper | 3D

Lilla Bommen Swedish Skyscraper | 3D

by CG Trader
Last crawled date: 1 year, 11 months ago
Intended for 3d print. This model pack includes a two versions of the Swedish skyscraper Lilla Bommen, completed in 1989. There is a model of the skyscraper with a hexagonal base, and one model without base. Suggested use is as scenery in tabletop games, or just as a decoration to put in your bookcase, on your work desk et cetera. File formats: The models in this pack are included in both .stl and .obj format. Contact the designer to request additional file formats. About Lilla Bommen: Swedish skyscraper, located near the mouth of the river Göta Älv, in the city of Göteborg.
The name translates to Little Boom (a boom is the navigational barriers once used in the harbor area where the skyscraper is located). Lilla Bommen is also the name of the entire city district, leading to some confusion for locals. The building has collected a number of unofficial names over the years, including Skanskaskrapan, Erskineskrapan, Läppstiftet, Vattenståndet et cetera. At the time of its completion in 1989 it was arguably the only skyscraper in Göteborg, but the city has since constructed numerous buildings of equal or greater height. The last couple of years in particular has seen a transformation of the city, with many buildings in the 60-100 metre range added to the skyline. At 86 metres in height, Lilla Bommen will eventually be dwarfed by the 245 metre skyscraper Karlatornet scheduled for completion in 2024. Lilla Bommen was designed the British-born Swedish architect Ralph Erskine, in collaboration with the architectural firm White. It is primarily an office building, previously housing the main office of Skanska. The design is rather striking, if an acquired taste - Lilla Bommen is intended to resemble a respiratory system, complete with trachea and a pair of lungs. The skyscraper is also painted in a white and red scheme that's reminiscent of blood vessels. Unsurprisingly, the idiosyncratic building has been the subject of both derision and praise from citizens. Note that Lilla Bommen has a substantial, shorter annex connecting to the skyscraper itself. For the sake of aesthetics and printability, this annex is not present in the models included in this product. Also note: I am in no way affiliated with Lilla Bommen's current owners Vasakronan, White Architects, the municipality of Göteborg or anyone else involved with Lilla Bommen. epic skyscraper building highrise sweden erskine architecture tabletop scenery skanskaskrapan steampunk godzilla 6mm hex base gothenburg skyskrapa miniatures
