LED Arc Lamp - Remix by tocpap 3d model
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LED Arc Lamp - Remix by tocpap

LED Arc Lamp - Remix by tocpap

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 1 month ago
A remix of lumpydonuts LED Arc Light (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1838594) and Zarlor's remix (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2812211). I liked the simple approach to designing a hobby/work light out fairly inexpensive components. I too looked at the other Arc Light projects out there and I too thought they were really cool but also very time consuming to print. I really liked the super simple and effective approach that lumpydonut designed.
What precipitated my redesign was the fact that the screen tight base given in the parts list was not available in my area, so I had to source one from home depot, while they appear to have the same dimensions, the home depot sourced one did not fit in the channel provided by lumpydonut's or Zarlor's design. The second issue is that I could not successfully print either design on my printer, not sure why and after hours of trying I gave up and decided to make my own based on both designs.
Now this not a remix per se, as I had to create a whole new design. I will admit to being relatively new to 3D modeling, I am a software developer by trade, and this is my first 3D designed effort. I did lean heavily on the two previous designs, my main goal was to get the channel to fit the screen screen base, which it now does. I did modify some of the other dimensions to fit my needs, but I kept it pretty close to the original. So a big shout out to lumpdonuts and Zarlor for inspiring me to create my own 3D project, they provided me the perfect opportunity to create something I needed.
I used 24v LED light strips as that is what I had laying around from other projects, these are very bright LED's and can be somewhat blinding if looking directly. This prompted me to create a diffuser for the Arc light, the design is also included in this remix. The diffuser pieces should slide in the center channel right over the LED light strip. They are pretty flexible due to their thin design (I think also to using the PLA+ which is less brittle) and should flex nicely in the channel.
I have included 2 base designs, one with screw holes and one without and 1 diffuser design. I have also included .step files for those that want to modify these designs for their own purpose.
Main Bodyhttps://www.homedepot.com/p/Screen-Tight-1-1-2-in-Porch-Screening-System-Base-Strip-BASE18/100065822
LED lightshttps://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M5HJ104/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s03?ie=UTF8&th=1
Light Switchhttps://www.amazon.com/Leviton-5410-Appliance-Feed-Through-3A-125V/dp/B000FPANMK/ref=sxin_9_ac_d_rm?ac_md=1-1-aW5saW5lIGxhbXAgc3dpdGNo-ac_d_rm&cv_ct_cx=lamp+switch&dchild=1&keywords=lamp+switch&pd_rd_i=B000FPANMK&pd_rd_r=4ae0fe9c-5888-4265-ba99-f829e1866a86&pd_rd_w=x4SiG&pd_rd_wg=pKj70&pf_rd_p=5ceb2a76-ceaa-45a9-982b-6fa61a20d67b&pf_rd_r=Y1DMXEZANQ90BSGWE8XW&psc=1&qid=1614712142&sr=1-2-12d4272d-8adb-4121-8624-135149aa9081
