landscape 3d model
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by 3dExport
Last crawled date: 2 years, 7 months ago
landscape of the small part of the city.
the model is a composition of different objects.
the model contains:
1. the house with small area around with garage door and little garden.
the house has: windows, stairs, door, garage door, path to the house, road from
gates to the garage door, fance, wall around the house, flat lamps with area light
for lighting area, vertical lamps for lighting garage door, horizontal lamp for
lighting entrance of the house, gates.
2. water tower.
3. constraction area of building.
4. hill with hill path to water tower.
5. 2 roads.
6. 2 hydrant.
7. 2 stop signs.
8. 12 poles.
9. 24 wires.
10. 14 street lights with 2 lamps on each of them.
11. walkside.
all renders are made in keyshot 9. renders show two different surroundings: dark
and light. dark - to show lighting of the model. light - to show the model.
here you can check more detail views of the model.
