HextrudORT - Carriage - for HevORT HD12 configuration by MirageC 3d model
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HextrudORT - Carriage - for HevORT HD12 configuration by MirageC

HextrudORT - Carriage - for HevORT HD12 configuration by MirageC

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 5 months ago
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HD12 X Carriage for HextrudORT extruder.
Because the HextrudORT is embedded into the X carriage in order to save weight, by changing only the extruder body, you can install various type of hotend. Visit HextrudORT to see the list of hotends supported and create your perfect configuration :)
Why the HextrudORT:
The HextrudORT is the simple combination of a proven concept and the desire to obtain a compact and lightweight print head for fast 3D printing. Re-using the internal components from the popular and efficient Bondtech BMG, this extruder was specifically designed to be merged to the HevORT's print head carriage.
Bill of Material, Assembly Notes and more available at: HextrudORT
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