Grauman's Egyptian Theater - Auditorium 3d model
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Grauman's Egyptian Theater - Auditorium

Grauman's Egyptian Theater - Auditorium

by 3DWarehouse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 6 months ago
When opened in 1922, Grauman's Egyptian Theater seated 2000, and was the latest word in movie palaces. Now home to the American Cinemateque, the main theater now seats 616 patrons, and a smaller theater seats 77. The theater was renovated and reinfored to bring it in line with earthquake codes in 1998. The elaborate Egyptian-themed forecourt is a separate model. #1920s #1922 #67066712_Hollywood_Blvd #American_Cinematheque #cinema #Egyptian #Egyptian_Revivial #Egyptian_Theater #Graumans #Graumans_Egyptian_Theater #Hollywood #landmark #Los_Angeles #McCormick_Place #movie_palace #movie_theater #premiere
