Full KC-02 Speed Hinged by shivinteger 3d model
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Full KC-02 Speed Hinged by shivinteger

Full KC-02 Speed Hinged by shivinteger

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 4 months ago
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[>>>] Generating Attributions log:
[0] Thing Title : Yazzo UClip Hinged
[0] Thing URL : http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5545
[0] Thing Author : WilliamAAdams
[0] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution
[1] Thing Title : Ten Sided Dice
[1] Thing URL : http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:61166
[1] Thing Author : pmoews
[1] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution
[2] Thing Title : Chairman Mao Lithopane
[2] Thing URL : http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:252509
[2] Thing Author : 3dforgetech
[2] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution
[3] Thing Title : Hanging Rod Bracket
[3] Thing URL : http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1073984
[3] Thing Author : RadioActiveRich
[3] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution
[4] Thing Title : My Customized Parametric Sheriff Star
[4] Thing URL : http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1141982
[4] Thing Author : Tabi15
[4] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution
[5] Thing Title : Pentax 67 Shutter Speed Ring Extender for use with Metering Prism
[5] Thing URL : http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1144338
[5] Thing Author : brkyle
[5] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution
[6] Thing Title : 1.5' PVC Potato Cannon Picatinny Rail
[6] Thing URL : http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1239450
[6] Thing Author : nosbigxam
[6] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution
[7] Thing Title : CO 2 Dragster
[7] Thing URL : http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1279581
[7] Thing Author : cmault123
[7] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution
[8] Thing Title : Pushup Handle v1.1
[8] Thing URL : http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1280068
[8] Thing Author : Exolun
[8] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution
[9] Thing Title : Airsoft iron sights (10/22, ASG carbine, KC-02)
[9] Thing URL : http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1291112
[9] Thing Author : 0235
[9] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution
[10] Thing Title : DL180 Quad FPV/HD camera and LED holder - full height version
[10] Thing URL : http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1306614
[10] Thing Author : ABLomas
[10] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution
[11] Thing Title : Adventure Time Buttons
[11] Thing URL : http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1321150
[11] Thing Author : Annoyingguest
[11] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution
[+] Attributions logged
[+] Getting object #0
[<] Importing : downloads/252509/lithopane_new_20140218-13149-xkl9x3-0.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -0.02%, E: -0.02%, F: -0.02%
[+] Preparing : Lithopane New 20140218-13149-Xkl9X3-0
[+] Getting object #1
[<] Importing : downloads/1306614/dl180_xiaomi_mount.STL
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Preparing : dl180 xiaomi mount
[+] Rotating object = dl180 xiaomi mount
[!] Volume difference is 996.27%
[+] Created duplicate : Lithopane New 20140218-13149-Xkl9X3-0.001
[+] Staging objects : BOTH_BOTTOM
[+] Union between : Lithopane New 20140218-13149-Xkl9X3-0.001 & dl180 xiaomi mount
[!] Number of faces #1 : 39046 + number of faces #2 : 2102 = 41148
[!] Number of faces of union: 41132
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Getting object #2
[+] No STL in that folder
[+] Getting object #2
[<] Importing : downloads/1321150/IceCrown.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Preparing : IceCrown
[+] Rotating object = IceCrown
[!] Volume difference is 0.63%
[+] Scaled IceCrown by 251.48%
[+] Created duplicate : Lithopane New 20140218-13149-Xkl9X3-0.000
[+] Staging objects : BOTH_BOTTOM
[+] Union between : Lithopane New 20140218-13149-Xkl9X3-0.000 & IceCrown
[!] Number of faces #1 : 41132 + number of faces #2 : 1352 = 42484
[!] Number of faces of union: 42543
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Getting object #3
[<] Importing : downloads/184692/comma_symmetry_spheres_solid_shallower.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -0.01%, E: -0.02%, F: -0.02%
[+] Preparing : Comma Symmetry Spheres Solid Shallower
[+] Rotating object = Comma Symmetry Spheres Solid Shallower.006
[!] Volume difference is 6.69%
[+] Scaled Comma Symmetry Spheres Solid Shallower.006 by 114.34%
[+] Created duplicate : Lithopane New 20140218-13149-Xkl9X3-0.001
[+] Staging objects : BOTH_LEFT
[+] Union between : Lithopane New 20140218-13149-Xkl9X3-0.001 & Comma Symmetry Spheres Solid Shallower.006
[!] Number of faces #1 : 42543 + number of faces #2 : 26605 = 69148
[!] Number of faces of union: 68512
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -96.27%, E: -96.40%, F: -96.35%
[-] Object is malformed
[-] Union did not work well. Discarding object.
[+] Getting object #4
[<] Importing : downloads/40293/gopro_hero3_lens_cap.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Preparing : Gopro Hero3 Lens Cap
[+] Rotating object = Gopro Hero3 Lens Cap
[!] Volume difference is 17.89%
[+] Created duplicate : Lithopane New 20140218-13149-Xkl9X3-0.001
[+] Staging objects : BOTH_BOTTOM
[+] Union between : Lithopane New 20140218-13149-Xkl9X3-0.001 & Gopro Hero3 Lens Cap
[!] Number of faces #1 : 42543 + number of faces #2 : 4872 = 47415
[!] Number of faces of union: 47993
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -89.68%, E: -89.85%, F: -89.78%
[-] Object is malformed
[-] Union did not work well. Discarding object.
[+] Getting object #5
[<] Importing : downloads/1280068/handle.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: -0.13%, F: -0.20%
[+] Preparing : Handle
[+] Rotating object = Handle
[!] Volume difference is 344.14%
[+] Created duplicate : Lithopane New 20140218-13149-Xkl9X3-0.001
[+] Staging objects : BOTH_TOP
[+] Union between : Lithopane New 20140218-13149-Xkl9X3-0.001 & Handle
[!] Number of faces #1 : 42543 + number of faces #2 : 3022 = 45565
[!] Number of faces of union: 33377
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -0.15%, E: -0.02%, F: 0.06%
[+] Getting object #6
[<] Importing : downloads/5545/UClipHinged_5mm.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: -0.28%, F: -0.42%
[+] Preparing : UClipHinged 5mm
[+] Rotating object = UClipHinged 5mm
[!] Volume difference is 0.34%
[+] Scaled UClipHinged 5mm by 307.87%
[+] Created duplicate : Lithopane New 20140218-13149-Xkl9X3-0.000
[+] Staging objects : ON_RIGHT
[+] Union between : Lithopane New 20140218-13149-Xkl9X3-0.000 & UClipHinged 5mm
[!] Number of faces #1 : 33398 + number of faces #2 : 239 = 33637
[!] Number of faces of union: 33640
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Getting object #7
[<] Importing : downloads/1141982/sheriff_star_v2_20151119-12423-hnve1q-0.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Preparing : Sheriff Star V2 20151119-12423-Hnve1Q-0
[+] Rotating object = Sheriff Star V2 20151119-12423-Hnve1Q-0
[!] Volume difference is 3.10%
[+] Scaled Sheriff Star V2 20151119-12423-Hnve1Q-0 by 147.71%
[+] Created duplicate : Lithopane New 20140218-13149-Xkl9X3-0.001
[+] Staging objects : ON_FRONT
[+] Union between : Lithopane New 20140218-13149-Xkl9X3-0.001 & Sheriff Star V2 20151119-12423-Hnve1Q-0
[!] Number of faces #1 : 33640 + number of faces #2 : 1032 = 34672
[!] Number of faces of union: 34682
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Getting object #8
[<] Importing : downloads/1073984/SpoolHolderRight.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: -0.45%, F: -0.67%
[+] Preparing : SpoolHolderRight
[+] Rotating object = SpoolHolderRight
[!] Volume difference is 40.15%
[+] Created duplicate : Lithopane New 20140218-13149-Xkl9X3-0.000
[+] Staging objects : ON_BACK
[+] Union between : Lithopane New 20140218-13149-Xkl9X3-0.000 & SpoolHolderRight
[!] Number of faces #1 : 34682 + number of faces #2 : 594 = 35276
[!] Number of faces of union: 35157
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -0.00%, E: -0.00%, F: -0.00%
[+] Getting object #9
[<] Importing : downloads/1239450/15_pvc_potato_cannon_picatinny_rail.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Preparing : 15 Pvc Potato Cannon Picatinny Rail
[+] Rotating object = 15 Pvc Potato Cannon Picatinny Rail
[!] Volume difference is 5.85%
[+] Scaled 15 Pvc Potato Cannon Picatinny Rail by 119.54%
[+] Created duplicate : Lithopane New 20140218-13149-Xkl9X3-0.001
[+] Staging objects : BOTH_TOP
[+] Union between : Lithopane New 20140218-13149-Xkl9X3-0.001 & 15 Pvc Potato Cannon Picatinny Rail
[!] Number of faces #1 : 35156 + number of faces #2 : 416 = 35572
[!] Number of faces of union: 34395
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -0.01%, E: -0.01%, F: -0.00%
[+] Getting object #10
[<] Importing : downloads/1144338/pentax_shutterspeed_dial_forMeteringPrism.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: -0.04%, F: -0.07%
[+] Preparing : pentax shutterspeed dial forMeteringPrism
[+] Rotating object = pentax shutterspeed dial forMeteringPrism
[!] Volume difference is 0.11%
[+] Scaled pentax shutterspeed dial forMeteringPrism by 448.75%
[+] Created duplicate : Lithopane New 20140218-13149-Xkl9X3-0.000
[+] Staging objects : BOTH_LEFT
[+] Union between : Lithopane New 20140218-13149-Xkl9X3-0.000 & pentax shutterspeed dial forMeteringPrism
[!] Number of faces #1 : 34394 + number of faces #2 : 81261 = 115655
[!] Number of faces of union: 108112
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -0.04%, E: -0.02%, F: -0.01%
[+] Getting object #11
[<] Importing : downloads/1273789/Fleur-de-lis_Mail_Box_Arm_v1.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -37.99%, E: -40.09%, F: -36.31%
[-] Object is malformed
[+] Deleting bad source : downloads/1273789/Fleur-de-lis_Mail_Box_Arm_v1.stl
[+] Getting object #11
[<] Importing : downloads/1350845/Bramble_Box-_FINAL.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -4.95%, E: -5.94%, F: -6.47%
[-] Object is malformed
[+] Deleting bad source : downloads/1350845/Bramble_Box-_FINAL.stl
[+] Getting object #11
[<] Importing : downloads/1291112/Rear_ret_top_V7.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: -0.39%, F: -0.59%
[+] Preparing : Rear ret top V7
[+] Rotating object = Rear ret top V7
[!] Volume difference is 0.09%
[+] Scaled Rear ret top V7 by 473.40%
[+] Created duplicate : Lithopane New 20140218-13149-Xkl9X3-0.001
[+] Staging objects : ON_BACK
[+] Union between : Lithopane New 20140218-13149-Xkl9X3-0.001 & Rear ret top V7
[!] Number of faces #1 : 108103 + number of faces #2 : 672 = 108775
[!] Number of faces of union: 108779
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -0.02%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.01%
[+] Getting object #12
[<] Importing : downloads/61166/d10_small.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -0.18%, E: -0.44%, F: -0.57%
[+] Preparing : D10 Small
[+] Rotating object = D10 Small
[!] Volume difference is 0.17%
[+] Scaled D10 Small by 386.48%
[+] Created duplicate : Lithopane New 20140218-13149-Xkl9X3-0.000
[+] Staging objects : BOTH_FRONT
[+] Union between : Lithopane New 20140218-13149-Xkl9X3-0.000 & D10 Small
[!] Number of faces #1 : 108791 + number of faces #2 : 2267 = 111058
[!] Number of faces of union: 100967
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -0.01%, E: -0.01%, F: -0.00%
[+] Getting object #13
[<] Importing : downloads/56566/6_panel_hooks.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -26.37%, E: -27.90%, F: -28.36%
[-] Object is malformed
[+] Deleting bad source : downloads/56566/6_panel_hooks.stl
[+] Getting object #13
[<] Importing : downloads/1279581/car_2016.STL
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -0.86%, E: -0.50%, F: -0.31%
[+] Preparing : car 2016
[+] Rotating object = car 2016
[!] Volume difference is 0.01%
[+] Scaled car 2016 by 1153.27%
[+] Created duplicate : Lithopane New 20140218-13149-Xkl9X3-0.001
[+] Staging objects : BOTH_LEFT
[+] Union between : Lithopane New 20140218-13149-Xkl9X3-0.001 & car 2016
[!] Number of faces #1 : 100962 + number of faces #2 : 12 = 100974
[!] Number of faces of union: 98108
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -0.00%, E: -0.00%, F: -0.00%
[>] Exporting STL to : /uploads/20160228-1035-56
