Flag of Basilicata 3d model
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Flag of Basilicata

Flag of Basilicata

by 3DWarehouse
Last crawled date: 1 year, 7 months ago
Article 2 of the law of 22 June 1973 states that 'the banner is sea-blue in color, with the emblem in the center of the previous article and the inscription centered in the Basilicata region in the center. The banner is completed with the tricolor ribbon (green, white and red) fringed with gold knotted below the tip. » The flag made its first appearance on 4 November 1995 (day of the Armed Forces) when the president of the republic Oscar Luigi Scalfaro wanted to exhibit the flags of the Italian regions in a room of the Quirinale. It was reintroduced on 6 April 1999 (although there is no official document on the subject) and has the same color as the banner. The coat of arms occupies 3/5 of the height and the drape has a 2 × 3 proportion. #flag #Basilicata #Italy
