Extruder Relocation Bracket for E3D V6 on Folgertech 2020 i3 by markag model
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Extruder Relocation Bracket for E3D V6 on Folgertech 2020 i3 by markag

Extruder Relocation Bracket for E3D V6 on Folgertech 2020 i3 by markag

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 5 months ago
I created this to re-position the stock extruder from the folgertech i3 2020 higher on the x-axis carriage to mount an E3D V6 hot-end. Using this, I gained a little bit of extra vertical travel over the stock extruder and mount location. Combining this with the z motor mount risers, and I now have about 185mm of vertical height on the stock Folgertech i3 2020 frame.
The mount works by bolting to the carriage where the original motor bolts attached, and then using the original motor bolts at the top set of holes to mount the extruder.
Print this fairly beefy. I can see that mine is bending slightly due to the fit on the x-carriage and the weight of the motor, but it works.
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Any amount helps. Thank you so much!
