exhibitor thimbles/ expositor dedales by alfons05 3d model
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exhibitor thimbles/ expositor dedales by alfons05

exhibitor thimbles/ expositor dedales by alfons05

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 4 months ago
Expositor de dedales realizado con bandeja de Ikea http://www.ikea.com/es/es/catalog/products/30242743/ y marco http://www.ikea.com/es/es/catalog/products/80117039/#/90186051 y con diferentes alturas y distancias según tamaño de los dedales.
Exhibitor thimbles made with Ikeahttp://www.ikea.com/es/es/catalog/products/30242743/ and frame http://www.ikea.com/es/es/catalog/products/80117039/#/90186051 and with different heights and distances according to the size of thimbles.
