Dual & Triple Extruder (carriage) by shuttl3d model
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Dual & Triple Extruder (carriage) by shuttl3d

Dual & Triple Extruder (carriage) by shuttl3d

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 4 months ago
mutliXtruder project
The multiXtruder project includes:
Bowden extruder design: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:322473
monoXtruder: single hot end support (carriage)
biXtruder: dual support (carriage)
triXtruder: triple support
Dual extruder support: support for two extruders (mirrored design)
I prefer to keep the files on my github repository. You only can find here some images taken during the development of this project.
In this repo you can find/download the STL & SketchUp (2013) files.STL & SketchUp files repo: https://github.com/jnpblrg/multiXtruder
Supports desgins alows easy hot ends height adjustment by loosening / tightening two screws (see images).
The dual extruder support is designed for Prusa i3 and PowerCode 3D printers (you need the X-axis rods protrude about 15 mm to place the dual extruder support)
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