Driven Tactile V1 by shivinteger 3d model
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Driven Tactile V1 by shivinteger

Driven Tactile V1 by shivinteger

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 4 months ago
[>>>] Generating Attributions log:
[0] Thing Title : Two Colour(Color) Spiral Cup
[0] Thing URL :
[0] Thing Author : MakeALot
[0] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial
[1] Thing Title : Scarlet Letter - Tactile Writing Prompt
[1] Thing URL :
[1] Thing Author : DesignMakeTeach
[1] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial
[2] Thing Title : Filament Duck - filament spool stand
[2] Thing URL :
[2] Thing Author : bold
[2] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial
[3] Thing Title : Bobbie FitBit
[3] Thing URL :
[3] Thing Author : marty1955
[3] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial
[4] Thing Title : Combination lock soft drink can cover/piggy bank
[4] Thing URL :
[4] Thing Author : adamwebb
[4] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial
[5] Thing Title : Reservoir pot with a bear
[5] Thing URL :
[5] Thing Author : madarakis
[5] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial
[6] Thing Title : OpenSCAD Modular Glasses Stand for bedside table or 3d TVs / Projectors
[6] Thing URL :
[6] Thing Author : Razor2000
[6] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial
[7] Thing Title : Communications Tower - Tinkerplay Toy 04
[7] Thing URL :
[7] Thing Author : Suaquin
[7] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial
[8] Thing Title : Wind driven prayer wheel
[8] Thing URL :
[8] Thing Author : maniwheel
[8] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial
[9] Thing Title : Wind Powered Electric generator
[9] Thing URL :
[9] Thing Author : Raynoodles
[9] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial
[10] Thing Title : Wind vane
[10] Thing URL :
[10] Thing Author : FULspeed
[10] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial
[11] Thing Title : Drifting Messenger
[11] Thing URL :
[11] Thing Author : kiwibasket
[11] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial
[12] Thing Title : LK Fuga Offgrid DC Outlet
[12] Thing URL :
[12] Thing Author : multifit
[12] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial
[13] Thing Title : 2020 V Rail Hexagon Hot End Carriage Dual Fan BLTouch Mount V1
[13] Thing URL :
[13] Thing Author : timeshell
[13] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial
[14] Thing Title : Prusa Hephestos Lead Screw Mod
[14] Thing URL :
[14] Thing Author : mtowara
[14] Thing Licence : Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial
[+] Attributions logged
[+] Getting object #0
[<] Importing : downloads/1140755/Bowden_Carriage.STL
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -2.57%, E: -2.56%, F: -2.56%
[-] Object is malformed
[+] Deleting bad source : downloads/1140755/Bowden_Carriage.STL
[+] Getting object #0
[<] Importing : downloads/282927/fitbitbandsolid_420140328-29942-sbrphv-0.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: -0.53%, F: -0.80%
[+] Preparing : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0
[+] Getting object #1
[<] Importing : downloads/952838/spacer.STL
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Preparing : spacer
[+] Rotating object = spacer
[!] Volume difference is 4.52%
[+] Scaled spacer by 130.26%
[+] Created duplicate : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.001
[+] Staging objects : ON_BACK
[+] Union between : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.001 & spacer
[!] Number of faces #1 : 623 + number of faces #2 : 320 = 943
[!] Number of faces of union: 954
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Getting object #2
[<] Importing : downloads/313626/Can_Safe_Dial3.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Preparing : Can Safe Dial3
[+] Rotating object = Can Safe Dial3
[!] Volume difference is 176.04%
[+] Created duplicate : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.000
[+] Staging objects : BOTH_RIGHT
[+] Union between : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.000 & Can Safe Dial3
[!] Number of faces #1 : 954 + number of faces #2 : 2348 = 3302
[!] Number of faces of union: 3340
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -0.05%, E: -0.04%, F: -0.03%
[+] Getting object #3
[+] No STL in that folder
[+] Getting object #3
[<] Importing : downloads/1072696/Tail_bar.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: -0.07%, F: -0.11%
[+] Preparing : Tail bar
[+] Rotating object = Tail bar
[!] Volume difference is 229.75%
[+] Created duplicate : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.001
[+] Staging objects : BOTH_BOTTOM
[+] Union between : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.001 & Tail bar
[!] Number of faces #1 : 3339 + number of faces #2 : 891 = 4230
[!] Number of faces of union: 4180
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -0.04%, E: -0.01%, F: 0.00%
[+] Getting object #4
[<] Importing : downloads/1315535/hephestos_x_axis_lead_screw_idler_end.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Preparing : Hephestos X Axis Lead Screw Idler End
[+] Rotating object = Hephestos X Axis Lead Screw Idler End
[!] Volume difference is 10.89%
[+] Created duplicate : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.000
[+] Staging objects : DEFAULT
[+] Union between : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.000 & Hephestos X Axis Lead Screw Idler End
[!] Number of faces #1 : 4180 + number of faces #2 : 3020 = 7200
[!] Number of faces of union: 7693
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -0.10%, E: -0.07%, F: -0.05%
[+] Getting object #5
[<] Importing : downloads/1295285/TS2020BLTouchMount_B.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: -0.03%, F: -0.04%
[+] Preparing : TS2020BLTouchMount B
[+] Rotating object = TS2020BLTouchMount B
[!] Volume difference is 0.53%
[+] Scaled TS2020BLTouchMount B by 265.66%
[+] Created duplicate : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.001
[+] Staging objects : ON_LEFT
[+] Union between : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.001 & TS2020BLTouchMount B
[!] Number of faces #1 : 7689 + number of faces #2 : 2605 = 10294
[!] Number of faces of union: 10069
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -0.04%, E: -0.03%, F: -0.03%
[+] Getting object #6
[<] Importing : downloads/950298/BotTorso_Basic.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -0.02%, E: -0.05%, F: -0.07%
[+] Preparing : BotTorso Basic
[+] Rotating object = BotTorso Basic.001
[!] Volume difference is 3.10%
[+] Scaled BotTorso Basic.001 by 147.76%
[+] Created duplicate : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.000
[+] Staging objects : BOTH_BOTTOM
[+] Union between : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.000 & BotTorso Basic.001
[!] Number of faces #1 : 10066 + number of faces #2 : 23741 = 33807
[!] Number of faces of union: 31750
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -0.03%, E: -0.01%, F: 0.00%
[+] Getting object #7
[<] Importing : downloads/1114487/driftingmessenger.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -0.04%, E: -0.56%, F: -0.79%
[+] Preparing : Driftingmessenger
[+] Rotating object = Driftingmessenger.003
[!] Volume difference is 1.90%
[+] Scaled Driftingmessenger.003 by 173.90%
[+] Created duplicate : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.001
[+] Staging objects : ON_BOTTOM
[+] Union between : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.001 & Driftingmessenger.003
[!] Number of faces #1 : 31750 + number of faces #2 : 20 = 31770
[!] Number of faces of union: 31770
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Getting object #8
[<] Importing : downloads/344966/bear_pot.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -0.02%, E: -0.06%, F: -0.06%
[+] Preparing : Bear Pot
[+] Rotating object = Bear Pot
[!] Volume difference is 40.27%
[+] Created duplicate : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.000
[+] Staging objects : BOTH_FRONT
[+] Union between : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.000 & Bear Pot
[!] Number of faces #1 : 31770 + number of faces #2 : 24976 = 56746
[!] Number of faces of union: 56052
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -0.10%, E: -0.09%, F: -0.08%
[+] Getting object #9
[<] Importing : downloads/90193/A.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Preparing : A
[+] Rotating object = A
[!] Volume difference is 0.08%
[+] Scaled A by 490.68%
[+] Created duplicate : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.001
[+] Staging objects : ON_LEFT
[+] Union between : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.001 & A
[!] Number of faces #1 : 56005 + number of faces #2 : 684 = 56689
[!] Number of faces of union: 55538
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -0.01%, E: -0.00%, F: -0.00%
[+] Getting object #10
[<] Importing : downloads/1055402/wind_powered_electric_generator_top_cover.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Preparing : Wind Powered Electric Generator Top Cover
[+] Rotating object = Wind Powered Electric Generator Top Cover
[!] Volume difference is 3.03%
[+] Scaled Wind Powered Electric Generator Top Cover by 148.82%
[+] Created duplicate : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.000
[+] Staging objects : ON_TOP
[+] Union between : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.000 & Wind Powered Electric Generator Top Cover
[!] Number of faces #1 : 55537 + number of faces #2 : 2532 = 58069
[!] Number of faces of union: 58070
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Getting object #11
[<] Importing : downloads/11687/linkCupBase.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: -0.05%, F: -0.08%
[+] Preparing : linkCupBase
[+] Rotating object = linkCupBase.004
[!] Volume difference is 0.51%
[+] Scaled linkCupBase.004 by 269.78%
[+] Created duplicate : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.001
[+] Staging objects : BOTH_BACK
[+] Union between : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.001 & linkCupBase.004
[!] Number of faces #1 : 58070 + number of faces #2 : 1504 = 59574
[!] Number of faces of union: 59535
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Getting object #12
[<] Importing : downloads/1270159/wexoe_type_dual_buck_holder1.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Preparing : Wexoe Type Dual Buck Holder1
[+] Rotating object = Wexoe Type Dual Buck Holder1.005
[!] Volume difference is 0.00%
[+] Scaled Wexoe Type Dual Buck Holder1.005 by 2264.67%
[+] Created duplicate : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.000
[+] Staging objects : ON_BOTTOM
[+] Union between : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.000 & Wexoe Type Dual Buck Holder1.005
[!] Number of faces #1 : 59535 + number of faces #2 : 192 = 59727
[!] Number of faces of union: 59712
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Getting object #13
[<] Importing : downloads/143424/filamentDuckMakerBotSpool_prototype.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[+] Preparing : filamentDuckMakerBotSpool prototype
[+] Rotating object = filamentDuckMakerBotSpool prototype
[!] Volume difference is 21.96%
[+] Created duplicate : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.001
[+] Staging objects : ON_FRONT
[+] Union between : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.001 & filamentDuckMakerBotSpool prototype
[!] Number of faces #1 : 59712 + number of faces #2 : 32640 = 92352
[!] Number of faces of union: 91317
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -0.00%, E: -0.00%, F: -0.00%
[+] Getting object #14
[<] Importing : downloads/362441/GlassesStandV3-topside.stl
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: -0.63%, E: -0.62%, F: -0.62%
[+] Preparing : GlassesStandV3-topside
[+] Rotating object = GlassesStandV3-topside
[!] Volume difference is 0.19%
[+] Scaled GlassesStandV3-topside by 372.35%
[+] Created duplicate : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.000
[+] Staging objects : ON_BOTTOM
[+] Union between : Fitbitbandsolid 420140328-29942-Sbrphv-0.000 & GlassesStandV3-topside
[!] Number of faces #1 : 91316 + number of faces #2 : 1276 = 92592
[!] Number of faces of union: 92602
[+] Cleaning non manifold
[!] Total removed V: 0.00%, E: 0.00%, F: 0.00%
[>] Exporting STL to : /uploads/20160219-1514-50
