DIY Easy Hologram for Smartphones by RAS_UFABC 3d model
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DIY Easy Hologram for Smartphones  by RAS_UFABC

DIY Easy Hologram for Smartphones by RAS_UFABC

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 9 months ago
This is the easier and cheapest way to turn your Smartphone into to a Hologram viewer.
In our example, it was made using an Acetate sheet, but you can do it with any tranparent foldable plastic.
We use a laser-cutter to manufacture our thing but you can easily cut it with a scissor or a stiletto. You just have to draw the model over the desired material adjusting the size if you want it..
Obs: Os filetes nas bordas são dispensaveis, foram usados somente para melhorar o design. Se você for fazer com uma tesoura deixar as bordas retas pode facilitar o corte
