D&D Initiative Tracker by DrLeFonque 3d model
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D&D Initiative Tracker by DrLeFonque

D&D Initiative Tracker by DrLeFonque

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 5 months ago
A simple initiative tracker to be used on a standard cardboard DM screen. Print your character(s) image (see dimensions and quantity below), cut, and slide into the initiative tracker. On an initiative roll, the DM puts the trackers in the correct order for the group to see (DM's, please not that the order will be in the opposite direction on your side).
Image Dimensions
Max: 32mm x 42mm (recommended)
Min: 30mm x 40mm
You will need to print two images, one for each side of the tracker.
2018/12/05 - I've added in a half size tracker. This is just as a space saver as we've been getting into large battles in our latest campaign and it's been problematic trying to give each mon it's own place in the initiative order.
Image Dimensions:
Max: 16mm x 42mm (recommended)
Min: 15mm x 40mm
I originally designed these as a replacement to my DM's ghetto trackers (folded pieces of paper with our character names on them, balancing on the DM screen), so these were created out of necessity and I thought I'd share them in case there were others out there using the same style DM screen who could benefit from these trackers. They've since gotten pretty popular.
So, I welcome any feedback and suggestions on how these trackers can be improved, any good suggestions I get I'll implement into the design.
