Customizable 3D name plate by makkuro model
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Customizable 3D name plate by makkuro

Customizable 3D name plate by makkuro

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 4 months ago
This is a proper configurable name plate, consisting of extruded letters. Use the customizer to get the name/text/words you need. Use it to create mini name tags (the text in the picture is 9mm high) or big text sculptures!
Each letter and also the dots of 'i' and 'j' are connected together, so after printing it will not fall apart. (Its a mix of wsteins and my method to do that.)
You can customize:
The shown text.
The font. Nice is e.g.: "Orbitron", "Bangers" or "Luckiest Guy". You can get an overview of all available fonts on the Google Fonts page. (The font list is from wstein, thanks!)
NEW: You can add a heart ♥, smiley ☺ or other special characters (†←→↑↓◄►♪♫☼♦♠♣) now to the left or right of the text
The type of base (baseline or round).
If you like it, also check out my configurable text based creations, multi-line label, Sweeping 2-line name plate, pyramid text, Customizable text box with lid, round text and sweeping name plate. Have also a look at my configurable pack of dogs and rabbits.
Or just check out all my other customizable creations!
Thanks go to GreenSnoopy for letting me show here a photo of her print.
Please post your makes as "i made one"! I am curious what my customizable designs are used for and wether printing works out well. Also if you have ideas or wishes, let me know.
Have fun!
Workarounds for Thingiverse:
1) You get a 404 when downloading all files:
You can try to download all files separately. (Click on "Thing files", then download all .STL and .SCAD files)
2) The customizer does not work anymore. It says "Oh No! There was a problem communicating with Thingiverse." or "We're sorry, but something went wrong."
Download latest version of OpenSCAD, (See section "Development snapshots" at ( )
Download the .SCAD file from here.
Open the .scad file in OpenSCAD.
Change the variables. You find them in the beginning of the .SCAD file. E.g. text="your text";
Press "F5" to get a quick preview.
Press "F6" when you like the preview. This will render the geometry and takes a little time.
Press "F7" to save the geometry to an .STL file.
Slice and print the .STL file.
3) Your font of choice is not found by OpenSCAD on your PC.
In case you miss some fonts in OpenSCAD, download them from google:
Install all the fonts you want to use. Then restart OpenSCAD.
4) OpenSCAD won't pick up newly installed fonts in C:/Windows/Fonts.
In case new fonts are missing, put the font TTF files also in C:\Program Files/OpenSCAD/fonts/Liberation-2.00.1/ttf and restart OpenSCAD again.
