Captain & Major-Commander Panait Donici 3d model
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Captain & Major-Commander Panait Donici

Captain & Major-Commander Panait Donici

by Sketchfab
Last crawled date: 5 months, 2 weeks ago
He is the founder of the National School of Bridges and Roads in Bucharest (1864) [1], author of the first Romanian Road Law [1]. He is considered the “organizer of genius troops” in Romania [5]. As an engineer in various departments of Moldova, he dealt with the modernization of some national interest objectives (bridges, warehouses, public buildings) [4]. Under his administration were built the bridges from Giurgeni and Horia, near Roman [3] [6]. On 22 January 1869, together with Leon Eraclide (both deputies in the Legislative Chamber), they voted for the establishment of the “Roman Vodă” Gymnasium, at the proposal of Costin Brăescu, which will be opened on September 30, 1872 [7]. Google street view link - Captain & Major-Commander Panait Donici - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by 21 Design (@21Design)
