Bemis Toilet Seat Anchor for One-piece Ceramic Toilets (Kohler) by toybuilder 3d model
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Bemis Toilet Seat Anchor for One-piece Ceramic Toilets (Kohler) by toybuilder

Bemis Toilet Seat Anchor for One-piece Ceramic Toilets (Kohler) by toybuilder

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 5 months ago
Bemis "Easy Clean & Replace" toilet seats have hinges with snap-on twist-clips that attach to anchoring bolts with specially shaped heads. The product packaging claims that the toilet seat will fit all manufacturer's toilets.
However, it turns out that the included fasteners won't work with Kohler one-piece ceramic toilets because of its unique design which prevent the use of the specially shaped anchoring bolts. (It's possible that this may also work with Toto toilets with a similar issue; but I have no way to check.)
I could have purchased online a "HK36 Hardware Kit" which does the same thing for $5 + $9 S/H... But then I'd have to wait for the parts to arrive. So out comes the calipers and CAD software -- and the problem is solved!
You can print these for a few dime's worth of plastic and have them in a couple of hours.
Plus, you get to further justify to your spouse why you bought that 3D printer. Win-win.
Update Oct 2020: the first printed set lasted 3.5 years before one of the two pieces cracked and failed. Good thing I uploaded the file here, because I don't know where I saved it anymore...
