Astroprint and Simplify3D by TommasoEngineering model
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Astroprint and Simplify3D by TommasoEngineering

Astroprint and Simplify3D by TommasoEngineering

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years ago
Update Make sure you give your astrobox/raspberrypi a static ip, because if the ip changes this will have to be redone (at least the keygen part).
Hey everyone! GoldenGears here, I wanted to share with you something I was able to throw together. I kept seeing people setting their simplify3D processes to auto upload to octoprint using cURL and I wanted to be able to do the same with Astroprint. Below is my step by step directions (written for mac but can be adapted for other platforms) on how to achieve this. If you have any questions or ways you think it could be improved let me know. eventually I would like it to auto upload and print but I haven;t quite figured out how to remotely tell the astrobox to print. Anyways here you go!
First open up terminal
enter: ssh pi@your_pi_ip
(replace "your_pi_ip" with the ip address of your AstroBox)
Enter the password for your raspberry pi (Default password: raspberry)
enter: sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Find the line that starts with "PermitRootLogin"
change the line to "PermitRootLogin yes"
hit control-O and hit enter to save the file
hit control-X to exit the nano editor
enter: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart
wait for the process to finish and return to your normal prompt for commands
enter: sudo passwd root
(this will allow you to change the root user password)
Enter your new desired root password and hit enter
re-enter your new password and hit enter one more time
exit the terminal
start new terminal session
enter: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048
enter: ssh-copy-id root:your_pi_ip
(replace "your_pi_ip" with the ip address of your AstroBox)
Enter the new root password you just created and hit enter
Wait for success (when it returns back to normal command prompt) and then close terminal
Open simplify3d
Under your process go to scripts and in the post processing box enter:
scp [output_filepath] root@your_pi_ip:../../AstroBoxFiles/uploads
(replace "your_pi_ip" with the ip address of your AstroBox)
And thats it, from now on when you click save Toolpaths to Disk on the preview page and save it to whatever location of your choice it’ll upload it to your AstroBox automatically.
Hope that adds some convenience to your printing! Enjoy!
