3D Printed TV Fractal Antenna with Wall Mount by bradnelson model
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3D Printed TV Fractal Antenna with Wall Mount by bradnelson

3D Printed TV Fractal Antenna with Wall Mount by bradnelson

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 3 years, 4 months ago
A 3D printable dipole TV antenna that only requires plain wire, one end of a coax cable, and a few machine screws.
It's not great, but I'm not an RF engineer so I'd love to hear suggestions on improvements (and if I have enough motivation I'll maybe even implement them :). Depending on orientation and use/placement of a balun and tin foil reflector, it gets me three channels from one repeater station and four from another repeater in my rural area. All channels in my area are the new digital type.
The TV antenna fractal pattern was borrowed from William Rucker's instructable:http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-make-a-fractal-antenna-for-HDTV-DTV-plus-/?ALLSTEPS
The 4:1 coax balun design was determined from this balun calculator: http://n-lemma.com/calcs/dipole/balun.htm
The center frequency is purported to be 554 MHz (I have not verified this).
