3D Print a Landscape Model by Kristjanrea
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3D Print a Landscape Model by Kristjanrea

3D Print a Landscape Model by Kristjanrea

by Thingiverse
Last crawled date: 2 years, 11 months ago
This is a fictional landscape model (15cm x 15 cm) which should help pupils better to understand topographic maps. Exercises for using these models in geography or science lessons are available here* or in Kristjan Rea master's thesis “Applying virtual 3D-models and physical 3D-models created by a 3D-printer for learning about the topic “Landforms and Groups of Landforms” in basic schools”. Link for the master's thesis: https://goo.gl/3Aq2gR
NB! It is recommended that pupils themselves participate in the process of making the landscape model.
See on väljamõeldud maastikumudel (15cm x 15 cm), mis peaks aitama õpilastel paremini mõista topograafilisi kaarte. Ülesande, kuidas seda mudelit geograafia või loodusõpetuse tundides rakendada leiate Kristjan Rea magistritööst “Virtuaalsete 3D-mudelite ja 3D-printeriga loodud füüsiliste mudelite rakendamine „Pinnavormide ja pinnamoe“ teema õppimiseks põhikoolis”. Veebilink magistritööle: https://goo.gl/3Aq2gR
NB! Võimalusel võiksid õpilased osaleda ka maastikumudeli valmistamisprotessis (modelleerimises jne).
